Do not attach Your Heart to Other than Allâh Ta’ala
Imam Ibn Taimiyyah s said: “Anyone whose heart is attached to the creation, hoping for someone from the creation to help him or provide for him or guide him, then
his heart submits to them and to the degree that his heart submits to them he becomes their slave. This holds true, even if he is outwardly a ruler or a guardian over those
whom he treats as masters. The wise one looks at realities and not at appearances. So if a man’s heart is attached to his wife, even though that is permissible, his heart
remains a prisoner to her, and she may rule over him as she pleases though outwardly he is her master and her husband. In reality, he is her prisoner and her slave,
especially if she knows how much he is in need of her and how much he is in love with her and how much he feels
that she cannot be replaced by anyone else. At that point, she rules over him as the tyrant master rules over his subjugated slave, who cannot escape or go free.
Indeed for the heart to be taken as a prisoner is a much greater matter than for the body to be taken as a slave or prisoner.
Even a body that is a slave can have in it a serene and peaceful and happy heart.
AS for the heart that is a slave to other than Allah {the Exalted), then that is true humiliation, imprisonment and slavery.”