Article by: Hadhrat Moulana Yunus Patel Saheb
The hype and talk presently is the World Cup 2010. Soccer-mania has gripped the mind, the heart, the speech, the time and the money of many, many Muslims. And these many, many Muslims argue : “It’s ONCE IN A LIFETIME…We are the HOST country …It’s the World Cup which cannot be missed at any cost…”,
And we naively believe that these reasons give us the go-ahead to support, promote and
participate. But there is one serious fact which makes us unsuitable and incompatible for what I would describe as an International “upsurge of sins” – and that reason is : We are Muslims. And we are very fortunate that we are Muslims. As such, there is no compatibility between a Muslim and sin. Let us discuss why we, as Muslims, cannot and should not align ourselves to the World Cup. Let us read with an open heart and mind.
Reasons why MUSLIMS should NOT ATTEND and NOT SUPPORT the World Cup:
1.) SALAAH It is a common observance, that many, many Muslims are totally neglectful of Salaah when it comes to International, National or local sporting events. Even those who have some link with the Masaajid, will choose to forego Salaah in Jamaat and even the Salaah itself, so as not to miss a moment in watching men run after a ball. Let us relate this to real life and the inevitable : How will this benefit us in this world and the hereafter ? Will any one of these sports players be able to intercede on our behalf, before Allah Ta’ala, when we have to account for our actions, for our indulgence in futile and even Haraam activities?
Our Nabi (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa-Sallam) said : “…Do not forgo Salaah intentionally, lest you should get out of the fold of Islam. Do not perpetrate disobedience to Allah, lest you deserve His Wrath…” Rasulullah (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa-Sallam) also said: “The dividing line between kufr and Imaan is Salaah.” And : “A person who has missed one Salaah is like one who has lost all his family and wealth.”
Just as we would be grief-stricken at the loss of all of our beloved family members and the loss of all of our wealth, properties, etc. similarly should we grieve over losing just ONE Salaah? Those few who do perform Salaah at the stadium or grounds, whilst the shouting, screaming, music, drink and other sins are being engaged in simultaneously, should think for themselves of what a display of hypocrisy they make.
Allah Ta’ala states explicitly : “…And do not squander recklessly. Surely, squanderers are brothers to Shayateen, and Shaytaan is very ungrateful to his Lord.” [Surah Bani Israeel 17 : 26/27]
Spending R800 or R1000, whether more or less, on one ticket – and we know many are spending much, much more, on many tickets – is money wasted, and wastage and squandering are categorized as sin in Islam – whether on that which is permissible or otherwise. Moreover, the sin is compounded when it is being spent to view something which is at a place hosting a combination of evils.
Besides the tickets for the various matches, much more money will be spent on travel and
accommodation – with airfares and rates going through the roof. Consider how many loaves of bread, how many litres of milk or necessities of life, could have been provided for thousands that live below the bread line or thousands more that are in dire need of medical assistance … How can we be so complacent when so many are without food, water, electricity, medicine and other such needs ? Doesn’t our Imaan and conscience trouble us in the least ? Moreover, wastage and extravagance are a cause of drought, high cost living and other forms of punishment.
Almost every venue, event and occasion today seems to demand “music” as part of the entertainment. As Muslims, we know fully well, that music is not the “pleasure” of a true believer because Nabi (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa-Sallam) specifically mentioned that one of his objectives was to destroy musical instruments. Rasulullah (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa-Sallam) said : “My Rabb has commanded me to destroy all musical instruments…” and also : “Music causes hypocrisy to grow in the heart just as water causes crops to grow.”
According to another Hadith of Nabi (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa-Sallam): ‘Music is from Shaytaan and accommodating it in any way is nifaaq (hypocrisy).’ Ibn Walih (RA) said : “Beware of music because music reduces shame, it increases lust and destroys one’s dignity and respect. Its effect is like the effect of alcohol.” Then, would it be morally correct for a MUSLIM to be present at such an event where Music is ‘a must have’ ?
The Ahadith make mention : “Wine is the gatherer of sin.”, “Wine is the route to indecency and is one of the major sins.” Nabi (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa-Sallam) also said : “….and do not take to drinking, for that is the mother of all evils.” Every person that is associated to alcohol – be it the manufacturer, the one who transports, the one who sells, buys or serves comes under the curse of Allah Ta’ala. And those that keep company and incline towards the transgressors have to contend
with the same consequences, for Allah Ta’ala warns us : “ Do not incline to the transgressors for then the fire will touch you.”
It is a very evident fact that these events promote Zina in abundance. Besides adultery of the eyes which is also categorized as zina (adultery) and which is very common at these types of venues with the indecent and revealing attire, there is actual zina that is being promoted and advertised. With the thousands of prostitutes that are visiting our country and the thousands more that are local – what else can be expected, except an escalation in adultery and fornication and a much higher risk of very severe punishment descending… (May Allah Ta’ala protect us from His punishment)
The summary and outline of Ahadith, is that plague, poverty, diseases which were unheard of previously, earthquakes, drought and destruction, birth of illegitimate children, and even escalation of deaths will follow in the wake of adultery and immorality. If a person commits adultery, then the priceless and invaluable commodity of Imaan leaves his body. Hazrat Anas (RA) narrated that Rasulullah (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa-Sallam) said : “Imaan is a garb with which Allah clothes whomsoever He wishes. If a person commits adultery, this garb is snatched away and if he repents, it is again returned.” Then what will be the condition of the person who dies whilst committing zina ?
Allah Ta’ala has mentioned in the Qur`aan Sharief, in Surah Munafiqoon: “BUT HONOUR BELONGS TO ALLAH, HIS MESSENGER AND THE BELIEVERS…” And in Surah An-Nisaa
To deal honestly and truthfully with disbelievers or to assist the poor and needy amongst them, are from the teachings of Islam. However, to integrate with them in such a manner, that we lose our Islamic identity or give up on our Islamic culture is prohibited because it is inevitably extremely harmful to one’s Imaan. Many have given up Imaan and Islam due to very close friendship and relationship with those who do not believe in Allah Ta’ala, His Final Messenger (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa-Sallam) and the Day of Judgement. …So we find people going crazy and wild over soccer players, cricket players and their likes. And one wonders, what is all the clamour and fuss about ?… when their “outstanding” achievement in life seems to be, kicking, throwing or hitting a ball…? Does this call for hero-worship? Is this our SHALLOW understanding of success as Muslims?
Do we not know that the most successful of all people are the Ambiyaa (Prophets) and their followers ? Are we even aware of the tremendous successes of the Sahabah ? They were MEN. And Brave Men. Their history, their feats, their conquests drown out the thousands of insignificant goals scored by soccer players. We should reflect over our obsession, veneration and craze of film stars, sport-stars and others who are presently the enemies of Allah Ta’ala. …A warning has been sounded, directing us to make sincere taubah. Allah Ta’ala states in the Qur`aan Sharief : ‘O PEOPLE OF IMAAN! DO NOT TAKE MY ENEMIES AND YOUR ENEMIES AS FRIENDS, INCLINING TOWARDS THEM WITH LOVE. VERILY, THEY HAVE REJECTED THE TRUTH WHICH HAS COME TO YOU (FROM YOUR RABB)…’ [SURAH MUMTAHINA 60 : 1]
We seem to forget that we are Muslims and all Muslims have dangerous enemies: So whilst our enemies shrewdly convince us to spend thousands of Rands, waste our energy and time on useless, futile sports such as the World Cup, they gleefully bomb, kill, rape, oppress and harass our brothers and sisters in other parts of the world … but we are so intoxicated with World Cups that we don’t even know our enemies have deceived us.
Have we not witnessed enough enmity in Occupied Palestine, in Pakistan, Kashmir, Kosovo, Iraq,
Afghanistan, Sudan, Somalia and other parts of the world? Those who were considered friends and companions were the first to assault, kill, maim and even rape our Muslim brothers and sisters, for no other reason than that they are Believers in Allah Ta’ala. …Have we not taken any lesson ? Have we not witnessed blood of the Muslims flowing in Bosnia, like rivers ? When we claim to have love for Allah Ta’ala, how then can we love these types of sporting events ?
Allah Ta’ala advises us : “O YOU WHO BELIEVE! TAKE NOT FOR FRIENDS UNBELIEVERS RATHER THAN BELIEVERS : DO YOU WISH TO OFFER ALLAH AN OPEN PROOF AGAINST YOURSELVES?” …In other words, we should not make them bosom pals. Once again, it does not mean that we should not treat them with kindness, deal honestly and assist when there is need. …However : Will participation and support in the World Cup attract them towards Islam ?
Islam has gifted us with a dress code, which identifies us as Muslims – which makes us flagbearers of Islam, representatives of Nabi (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa-Sallam), Inviters to Islam. We have been expressly forbidden from adopting any semblance with the cultural or religious
dressing style of people of other faiths. By wearing soccer t-shirts, caps, bags with the 2010 football logos clearly indicates our love for the event and the culture. Nabi (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa-Sallam) said: “The one who imitates others is not of us.” And: “Whoever imitates a nation is of them.”
We are the nation of Islam, and should be rightly proud of our beautiful culture and dress because it is the culture and dress of the greatest after Allah, Rasulullah (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa-Sallam)…Is it not the height of foolishness to exchange diamonds for stones ?
The disbelievers have no concept of segregation. They advocate mixed gatherings because it facilitates more sins and immorality. It works in their favour because there is easy gratification of sensual desires and sinful pleasures. The Shariah instructs us : ‘IT IS NOT PERMISSIBLE TO BE
“We created not the heavens, the earth and all between them, merely in (idle) sport.” [Surah
Dukhaan :38] “Do you then think that We created you in jest and that you would not be brought back to Us (for an account)?” (Surah Mu`minoon 23 :115)