How can my marriage be infused with love

Reading Time: 3 minutes


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Q: How can my marriage be infused with love?

A: The Holy Qur’aan has offered a beautiful reply in just one Divine Word: RAHM.

Says Allah: “And he has created RAHM and LOVE between you”.

From the above, we learn that the quality of RAHM (Mercy) leads to Love.

RAHM means to have Mercy.

If the husband has mercy upon his wife, she will love him. Mercy means to display kindness,  compassion and tolerance. When the wife is unwell, mercy demands that the husband serves her. Mercy demands that when the wife is upset, the husband consoles her. Mercy demands that when the wife is under stress, the husband assist her. Mercy demands that when the wife is unhappy, the husband cheers her up. Mercy demands that when the wife feels threatened by her in-laws, the husband protects her. Mercy demands when the wife is unreasonable, the husband exercises patience. Mercy demands that when the wife requires things, the husband open heartedly spends on her. Mercy demands that when the wife transgressors the Shariah, the husband kindly informs her. Mercy demands that when the wife makes gheebat, the husband warns her. Mercy demands that when the children are troublesome, the husband assists her. Mercy demands that when the wife pleases her husband, the husband compliments her. How much rights don’t husbands demand nowadays – how little Mercy don’t they have.

As for the wife, mercy demands that when the husband arrives tired from work, that she does not scream to the children: “There’s your father. Now go to him.” Mercy demands that when the husband is worried, the wife consoles him. Mercy demands that when the husband does not earn well, the wife does not place a single demand on him. “You and my children are my wealth – what more could I need”, a wife having RAHM would sing. Mercy demands that when the husband errs, the wife will keep his respect in mind and not degrade him in front of his children. She would rather bring his shortcomings calmly to his notice in privacy with Hikmat. Mercy demands that the wife pleases her husband by displaying utmost respect to his parents. Mercy demands that a wife takes pride in her husbands accomplishments. Mercy demands that a wife reminds her husband to earn and eat only Halaal. Mercy demands that she reminds her husband of Allah’s Commands. Mercy demands that she protects her chastity. Her body, her voice, even her clothing – all are meant only for him. Mercy demands that a wife be careful of committing “shirk” in sharing her thoughts of her husband with another man. Mercy demands that she brings him closer to Jannah even though he be kicking and screaming.

This here then is the RAHM which is the foundation of a marriage on earth and made in heaven!

This here is a marriage which pleases Allah and His Rasul Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam. This here is why a Muslim gets married.