Ta’leem and Tarbiyat Series #5

Reading Time: 4 minutes


Ta’leem and Tarbiyat Series # 5
Qur’aan and Tafseer
“It (the Qur’aan) is a guide for those who fear Allah.”
(Surah Baqarah, 2)
At a certain place a modernist was questioning Hafiz Muhammad Ahmad Saheb Marhoom (former principal of Darul Uloom Deoband) as to the meaning of “Hudallil Muttaqeen”. Hafiz Saheb Marhoom responded, but the modernist was not satisfied. Hafiz Saheb Marhoom then explained: “This is just like you have a BA course. A person who studies the course becomes a BA. Similarly, the Qur’aan is a Course on Taqwa. Following its guidance, one becomes a Muttaqi.”
Moulana Muhammad Qaasim Saheb (Rahmatullahi alaih) gave another response. He says that Taqwa, here, does not have the technical meaning. The literal meaning of fear and apprehension is intended. The Aayat thus means that those people who have apprehension, concern and intention in their hearts of reforming themselves, the Qur’aan guides them. One who does not wish to reform himself on the other hand will be left to himself [i.e. he will plunge headlong into deviation].
Hadeeth and Sunnah
A fine line of hair ran from the chest of Rasoolullah (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) to his navel. His neck was an image of perfection and brilliant as silver. He was well-built, full of flesh, muscular and his chest was inflated. (Nashrut Teeb)
Rasoolullah (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said:
“Verily Allah does not wrong a Believer for any good deed. In this world he will prosper by virtue of it and in the Aakhirat he will be rewarded for it. The kaafir on the other hand is fed by virtue of the good acts he does for God in this world until he reaches the Aakhirat where he will not have any good to be rewarded for.” (Mishkaat)
Comment: The gist of the Hadeeth is that the Mu’min is showered with Allah Ta’ala’s grace, whilst the kaafir will be treated equitably. (Mirqaat)
Fiqh and Masaail
Changing notes for loose change in the Masjid is a business transaction (bai’) which is not permissible in the Masjid.
After defining the work and settling on the price in a hiring contract, if during the labour some excess work is desired, then its fee will also have to be paid. It cannot be forced on the one hired and arbitrarily included in the original price.
(Ashraful Ahkaam)
Tasawwuf and Sulook
The remedy for evil gazing is to regularly study the stories of the pious and to meditate in privacy the warnings and punishment [sounded in the Qur’aan and Hadeeth] over sins. When a thought of sinning troubles one then renew and refresh the remedy. Insha Allah, in this manner the urge of the nafs will recede. If the inclination to sin is slight then defy it with force. Without willpower no strategy is of avail.
When recalling any spiritual sickness then immediately make a note of it. If you see your condition unchanged after a week, then do not give the nafs further time. Proceed to inform your spiritual mentor.

Ta’leem and Tarbiyat Series # 5

Qur’aan and Tafseer

“It (the Qur’aan) is a guide for those who fear Allah.”

(Surah Baqarah, 2)

At a certain place a modernist was questioning Hafiz Muhammad Ahmad Saheb Marhoom (former principal of Darul Uloom Deoband) as to the meaning of “Hudallil Muttaqeen”. Hafiz Saheb Marhoom responded, but the modernist was not satisfied. Hafiz Saheb Marhoom then explained: “This is just like you have a BA course. A person who studies the course becomes a BA. Similarly, the Qur’aan is a Course on Taqwa. Following its guidance, one becomes a Muttaqi.”

Moulana Muhammad Qaasim Saheb (Rahmatullahi alaih) gave another response. He says that Taqwa, here, does not have the technical meaning. The literal meaning of  fear and apprehension is intended. The Aayat thus means that those people who have apprehension, concern and intention in their hearts of reforming themselves, the Qur’aan guides them. One who does not wish to reform himself on the other hand will be left to himself [i.e. he will plunge headlong into deviation].

Hadeeth and Sunnah

A fine line of hair ran from the chest of Rasoolullah (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) to his navel. His neck was an image of perfection and brilliant as silver. He was well-built, full of flesh, muscular and his chest was inflated.                                                                                                                                                                             (Nashrut Teeb)

Rasoolullah (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said:

“Verily Allah does not wrong a Believer for any good deed. In this world he will prosper by virtue of it and in the Aakhirat he will be rewarded for it. The kaafir on the other hand is fed by virtue of the good acts he does for God in this world until he reaches the Aakhirat where he will not have any good to be rewarded for.” (Mishkaat)

Comment: The gist of the Hadeeth is that the Mu’min is showered with Allah Ta’ala’s grace, whilst the kaafir will be treated equitably. (Mirqaat)

Fiqh and Masaail

1. Changing notes for loose change in the Masjid is a business transaction (bai’) which is not permissible in the Masjid.

2. After defining the work and settling on the price in a hiring contract, if during the labour some excess work is desired, then its fee will also have to be paid. It cannot be forced on the one hired and arbitrarily included in the original price.

(Ashraful Ahkaam)

Tasawwuf and Sulook

· The remedy for evil gazing is to regularly study the stories of the pious and to meditate in privacy the warnings and punishment [sounded in the Qur’aan and Hadeeth] over sins. When a thought of sinning troubles one then renew and refresh the remedy. Insha Allah, in this manner the urge of the nafs will recede. If the inclination to sin is slight then defy it with force. Without willpower no strategy is of avail.

· When recalling any spiritual sickness then immediately make a note of it. If you see your condition unchanged after a week, then do not give the nafs further time. Proceed to inform your spiritual mentor.
