Ta’leem and Tarbiyat Series #7

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Ta’leem and Tarbiyat Series #7

Qur’aan and Tafseer

“Remember when We ordered the Malaaikah (and Jinn) to prostrate (make sajdah) to Aadam. Accordingly everyone fell into sajdah.”

(Surah Baqarah, 34)

A senior and saintly person stated that just as the Malaaikah making sajdah to Aadam (Ala Nabiyyina Wa’alaihis Salaatu wassalaam) is proof of his (Aadam’s Alaihis Salaam) greatness, in like manner Iblees not making sajdah is also proof of his (Aadam’s) greatness. The reason for this is that had Iblees made sajdah it would have appeared that Shaitaan certainly had some affinity with Aadam (Alaihis Salaam) for Shaitaaan to be attracted to him and make sajdah to him. Now in the scenario of him not making sajdah it is confirmed that there is no affinity whatsoever between Aadam (Alaihis Salaam) and Iblees for as the adage goes: ‘Birds of a feather flock together’.

(Ashrafut Tafaaseer)

Hadeeth and Sunnah

Rasoolullah’s (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) forearms were long, his palms were spacious, hands and feet full of flesh, fingers and toes long, muscles well-formed and he was hollow-footed, i.e. he was not flat-footed.

(Nashrut Teeb)

When the Aayat: “Whoever does an evil act will face retribution for it,” was revealed, Abu Bakr Siddeeq (Radhiyallahu Anhu) said: “Who is going to be saved from this then, O Rasool of Allah?” Rasoolullah (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) responded: “May Allah forgive you, O Abu Bakr! Do you not become sorrowful? Do you not undergo difficulty? Do you not take ill?” Hazrat Abu Bakr (Radhiyallahu anhu) replied: “I certainly do, Yaa Rasoolallah!” “That is all part of the retribution,” Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) replied.

(Ahmad, Ibn Hibbaan – Mirqaat)

Fiqh and Masaail

  • It is not permissible to use the skins of beasts of prey.
  • Women should not engross themselves in beauty and adornment. Yes, beauty for the sake of their husbands in a balanced way is necessary. But this should not lead to worrying day and night about it.

(Ashraful Ahkaam)

“Balanced” in this context refers to fulfilling the requirements of the Shariah by not adopting the dress and styles of immoral people and the opposite gender, and furthermore not taking up so much of one’s time that one’s other incumbent duties pertaining to the Rights of Allah Ta’ala, such as Salaah, etc. and the rights of others, such as caring for the physical and religious well-being of one’s offspring, are violated.

Tasawwuf and Sulook

A succinct remedy for base character is to contemplate and to endure. In other words, to think before engaging in any work whether it is permissible or not in the Shariah and not to be hasty. Rather, to proceed with caution and bear the difficulty. Or inform and conform, that is, continuously inform one’s spiritual guide of one’s condition and follow his directions. (Kamaalaat-e-Ashrafiyyah)