Ta’leem and Tarbiyat Series #10

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Ta’leem and Tarbiyat Series #10
Qur’aan and Tafseer
“Don’t you understand?”
(Surah Baqarah, 44)
We learn from this [Qur’aanic stricture] that the abhorrence of being neglectful of oneself whilst preoccupying oneself with others is not only evidenced by tradition. It is also logical. In other words, the intelligence, too, declares it to be abhorrent.
Be that as it may, the Aayat castigates encouraging others whilst not practising oneself. It also alludes to tracking other people’s wrongdoings whilst forgetting about one’s own misdeeds as being unethical. The need is for one’s sins and faults to be in front of one all the time and be concerned about their treatment. Where personal consideration is not adequate, refer to an expert [in the field of treating one’s spiritual sicknesses; an experienced and righteous Aalim of the Deen]. Sicknesses are not concealed from a physician on account of embarrassment or modesty as it is not possible to get treatment without revealing one’s condition. (Ashrafut Tafaaseer)
Hadeeth and Sunnah
Rasoolullah’s (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) manner of walking has been described as follows:
He would raise his feet robustly. In other words, he would not drag his feet when walking.
He would place his feet stooped.
He walked humbly.
His motion would resemble descending from a higher ground to lower ground.
(Nashrut Teeb)
The features described of Nabi Kareem’s (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) walking are volitional. It is, therefore, meritorious and encouraged to imitate Rasoolullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam in these volitional attributes.
Rasoolullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said:
“Congratulations to the servant clasping the reins of his horse in the Path of Allah whilst his hair is dishevelled and feet dusty. If he is positioned in the vanguard, he rigidly sticks to the vanguard and if he is positioned in the rear-guard, he resolutely defends the rear. If he asks for permission he is not granted, and if he intercedes, his intercession is turned down.” (Bukhari – Mishkaat)
Here Rasoolullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) speaks about the seekers of Deen and the ascetics of this world who strive, toil and through the medium of Jihaad pursue the success of the Aakhirat and the establishment of the glory of Deen. They assert their independence from this world. They stay far from the glamour and glitter of this world. They remain aloof from the ways and styles of the people of this world and hence they are scorned at by the modernists…In spite of their beatitude and rank by Allah their social life is plain and shone of fame, opulence, glamour and razzmatazz. Their simplicity and humility makes them appear worthless and outcasts in the eyes of the worldly-minded and hence their participation at gatherings is blocked and their intercession on anyone’s behalf is turned down. (Mazaahir-e-Haq)
Comment: The example of the Mujaahid in the above Hadeeth brings within its purview all those who are honestly and indefatigably engaged in establishing the Law of Allah Ta’ala on earth.
Fiqh and Masaail
Our Fuqaha have stated that a lease agreement for more than three years is not permissible. What wisdom! Subhaanallah! They have in effect closed the door for expropriation.
If the wife waives her right of mahr during her maradhul maut [the final illness in which a person dies] then it is invalid. The reason for this is that this is a wasiyyat [bequest]; and it is not permissible to make a wasiyyat for an heir. The husband is an heir. Therefore, wasiyyat cannot be made for him.
(Ashraful Ahkaam)
Tasawwuf and Sulook
Alas, the Soofiyah have been vilified in all ages, owing to their silence and patience. But, are you aware as to why they are patient? They observe sabr to win the support of Allah, for it appears in the Hadeeth that Allah Ta’ala leaves a matter to the one who takes revenge himself, whilst He takes revenge on behalf of the one who adopts sabr.
Now, what is the nature of that revenge? Vis-à-vis this revenge the Hadeeth states that Allah Ta’ala becomes so enraged on behalf of His chosen servant like a lioness becomes enraged when protecting her cubs. Then He metes out retribution sometimes in this world and sometimes He defers the full quota of punishment to the Aakhirat.

Ta’leem and Tarbiyat Series #10

Qur’aan and Tafseer

“Don’t you understand?”

(Surah Baqarah, 44)

We learn from this [Qur’aanic stricture] that the abhorrence of being neglectful of oneself whilst preoccupying oneself with others is not only evidenced by tradition. It is also logical. In other words, the intelligence, too, declares it to be abhorrent.

Be that as it may, the Aayat castigates encouraging others whilst not practising oneself. It also alludes to tracking other people’s wrongdoings whilst forgetting about one’s own misdeeds as being unethical. The need is for one’s sins and faults to be in front of one all the time and be concerned about their treatment. Where personal consideration is not adequate, refer to an expert [in the field of treating one’s spiritual sicknesses; an experienced and righteous Aalim of the Deen]. Sicknesses are not concealed from a physician on account of embarrassment or modesty as it is not possible to get treatment without revealing one’s condition. (Ashrafut Tafaaseer)

Hadeeth and Sunnah

Rasoolullah’s (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) manner of walking has been described as follows:

He would raise his feet robustly. In other words, he would not drag his feet when walking.

He would place his feet stooped.

He walked humbly.

His motion would resemble descending from a higher ground to lower ground.

(Nashrut Teeb)

The features described of Nabi Kareem’s (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) walking are volitional. It is, therefore, meritorious and encouraged to imitate Rasoolullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam in these volitional attributes.

Rasoolullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said:

“Congratulations to the servant clasping the reins of his horse in the Path of Allah whilst his hair is dishevelled and feet dusty. If he is positioned in the vanguard, he rigidly sticks to the vanguard and if he is positioned in the rear-guard, he resolutely defends the rear. If he asks for permission he is not granted, and if he intercedes, his intercession is turned down.” (Bukhari – Mishkaat)

Here Rasoolullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) speaks about the seekers of Deen and the ascetics of this world who strive, toil and through the medium of Jihaad pursue the success of the Aakhirat and the establishment of the glory of Deen. They assert their independence from this world. They stay far from the glamour and glitter of this world. They remain aloof from the ways and styles of the people of this world and hence they are scorned at by the modernists…In spite of their beatitude and rank by Allah their social life is plain and shone of fame, opulence, glamour and razzmatazz. Their simplicity and humility makes them appear worthless and outcasts in the eyes of the worldly-minded and hence their participation at gatherings is blocked and their intercession on anyone’s behalf is turned down. (Mazaahir-e-Haq)

Comment: The example of the Mujaahid in the above Hadeeth brings within its purview all those who are honestly and indefatigably engaged in establishing the Law of Allah Ta’ala on earth.

Fiqh and Masaail

Our Fuqaha have stated that a lease agreement in Waqf properties for more than three years is not permissible. What wisdom! Subhaanallah! They have in effect closed the door for expropriation.

If the wife waives her right of mahr during her maradhul maut [the final illness in which a person dies] then it is invalid. The reason for this is that this is a wasiyyat [bequest]; and it is not permissible to make a wasiyyat for an heir. The husband is an heir. Therefore, wasiyyat cannot be made for him.

(Ashraful Ahkaam)

Tasawwuf and Sulook

Alas, the Soofiyah have been vilified in all ages, owing to their silence and patience. But, are you aware as to why they are patient? They observe sabr to win the support of Allah, for it appears in the Hadeeth that Allah Ta’ala leaves a matter to the one who takes revenge himself, whilst He takes revenge on behalf of the one who adopts sabr.

Now, what is the nature of that revenge? Vis-à-vis this revenge the Hadeeth states that Allah Ta’ala becomes so enraged on behalf of His chosen servant like a lioness becomes enraged when protecting her cubs. Then He metes out retribution sometimes in this world and sometimes He defers the full quota of punishment to the Aakhirat.