Ta’leem and Tarbiyat Series Special Post

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Ta’leem and Tarbiyat Series Special Post

Qur’aan and Tafseer

“You will never attain goodness until you spend from that which you love.”

(Surah Aali Imraan, 92)

We learn from this Aayat that the more the object spent in the Path of Allah is loved the greater degree of goodness is acquired. “Goodness” here [in the Aayat] refers to perfect goodness [that is, the highest stage of goodness]. Proof for this is that which follows. Allah Ta’ala states:

“And whatever you spend Allah Ta’ala knows of it.”

In other words, He will reward you for that as well. Thus, we learn from this Aayat that whether you spend something dear to you or not dear, thawaab will invariably be received.

The summary of the Aayat is that you will receive the basic thawaab for spending anything [lawful in the Path of Allah]. However, special virtue is reserved for spending something loved.

(Da’waat-e-Abdiyyat, 3 – Targheebul Udh-hiyyah)

Hadeeth and Sunnah

“The Sahaabah (Radhiyallahu anhum) asked: ‘What is this sacrifice of animals (Qurbaani/Udh-hiyyah), Yaa Rasoolallah?’

Rasoolullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) replied: ‘It is the Sunnat of you father, Ibraheem.”

Rasoolullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) says out of encouragement that this Qurbaani is not something from aliens. It is the practice of your father, Ibraheem (Alaihis Salaam). It is a family practice. How can you leave it?

Look at how much loving compassion Rasoolullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) has for his Ummah! With a variety of expressions he encourages us, for perhaps the expression produces the desired effect [of us carrying out the injunctions of the Shariah].


Fiqh and Masaail

  • It is not permissible to hurt animals. Yes, those animals which are dangerous and harmful, it is permissible to kill them. However, they should be killed with one stroke or blow. They should not be tortured to death.
  • Similar is the command pertaining to Qurbaani animals. The knife should be sharp and the thabah (slaughter) should be swift. Once the four veins have been cut it is not permissible to cut further. Life does not depart from the animal immediately upon the cutting of the four veins and hence stroking the knife further causes unnecessary pain to the animal which is haraam.

(Ashraful Ahkaam)

Tasawwuf and Sulook

  • Listening to and reading the thawaab and athaab over deeds are of exceptionally great virtue and benefit to us.
  • The work of the father is to toil, labour and undergo various hardships in rearing and nurturing his children to the best of his ability. This was the life of Rasoolullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam). In the spiritual upbringing of his Ummah he bore untold difficulties and left no stone unturned in nurturing his Ummah.

(Da’waat-e-Abdiyyat, 3 – Targheebul Udh-hiyyah)