Q. Moulana please advise on the permissibility of having a medical scheme especially for one’s parents as the government institutions are a horrible place these days. Advise if having just a hospital plan would be jaa’iz or can one have full normal medical scheme supposing it is jaa’iz. Also please review the Roshmed Hospital Scheme and advise. I was told that their power fund works as a waqf fund if I am not mistaken, and they are down the road from you. Also will any of their investment products be halaal.
A. The Roshmed Hospital Scheme is basically the same as all medical insurance schemes. It is totally corrupt from the Shar’i point of view. It is not permissible.
The benefits are suspended on the uncertain exigency of sickness. No sickness, no benefits although the monthly fees have to be compulsorily paid.
The scheme involves numerous invalid terms and conditions. It is not permissible to become a member of this un-Islamic Scheme.