In the last rakaat of Salaah, in qa’dah, we read the Du’aa: “Allaahumma innee thalamtu nafsee thulman katheera. Walaa yaghfiruth-thunooba illaa Anta. Faghfirlee maghfiratam-min ‘indika warhamnee. Innaka, Antalghafoorur-Raheem.” I read one translation which translated the third portion as: “so forgive me and have mercy on me,” but I’m not particularly happy with this translation as it does not encompass the ‘maghfiratam-min ‘indika’ part. Could you please translate that for me? I’m learning how to speak Arabic and these types of things have become very important to me. Please make Du’aa that Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala make this easy for me.
Answer: Just a few days ago one of our students studying at our institution brought the very same question to our notice. In the Du’aa booklet the translation of Maghfiratam min ‘Indik has been omitted. The missing translation reads: “Grant me special forgiveness from Your side.”
May Allah Ta’ala increase you in knowledge, understanding and practice of the Deen.