Surah Baqarah, 4
“Establish Salaat, pay Zakaat and be humble
together with those who are humble.”
(Surah Baqarah, 43)
The Canons of Islam, i.e. Islamic practices are classified in two branches, viz. external practices and morals. External practices are further classified into two: bodily acts of worship and monetary forms of worship. We thus have three principles here. One particular of each has been mentioned.
Salaat is a bodily act of worship, Zakaat is a monetary form of worship and humility pertains to the moral code of Islam. In view of the company of those who are humble being a catalyst in inculcating the ethic of humility, enjoining the company of those who are humble is of exceptional relevance here.
Apart from the above three practices being of major importance and merit they are most appropriate to the condition of the Bani Israeel and hence they were singled out for mention. Salaat produces aversion for love for fame, Zakaat curbs love for wealth and humility eradicates jealousy and other vices.
(Bayaanul Qur’aan)