Sunnats related to the adhaan and iqaamah

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Sunnats related to the adhaan and iqaamah

The adhaan should be called out at an elevated place outside the musjid. The iqaamah should be called out inside the musjid. To call out the adhaan inside the musjid is makruh-e-tanzihi. However, it is not makruh to call out the second adhaan of jumu’ah inside the musjid in front of the pulpit (mimbar). In fact, this is practised in all Muslim countries.

The adhaan has to be called out standing. If anyone calls it out while sitting, this will be makruh and it will have to be repeated. However, if a traveller is on his mount or a person gives adhaan for his own salaat, it will not have to be repeated.

The adhaan has to be called out in a loud voice. However, if a person is calling out adhaan for his own salaat, he has the choice to say it aloud or softly. Even then, there is more reward in saying it aloud.

It is mustahab to insert the fore-fingers into the ears at the time of calling out the adhaan.