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Imaam Muhammad Bin Al-Hasan Ash-Shaibaani

The following statements of Imaam Shaafi’ (Rahmatullahi alaih) in regard to his stepfather and Imaam Abu Haneefah’s righteous student, Imaam Muhammad Bin Al-Hasan Ash-Shaibaani (Rahmatullahi alaih) have been mentioned by Allaamah Abdul Hay Lucknowi in At-Ta’leequl Mumajjad Sharah Muwatta Imaam Muhammad quoting from Imaam Sam’aani’s Kitaabul Ansaab:
6.1 “I have not seen a more intelligent and more eloquent speaker than Muhammad Bin Al-Hasan. When he used to recite the Qur’aan it seemed as if the Qur’aan was being revealed to him.”
6.2 “I acquired a camel’s load of Kitaabs from Imam Muhammad.”
6.3 Someone said to Imaam Shaafi’: “The Fuqaha differ with you.”
Imaam Shaafi’ replied: “Did you even see a Faqeeh? Yes, if you saw Imam Muhammad Bin Al-Hasan then that is something else.”
6.4 “Whoever I debated with, the complexion of his face changed, besides Imam Muhammad Bin Al-Hasan.”
6.5 “Three people were like the Angels (Malaaikah); Muhammed Bin Al-Hasan in Fiqh, Imaam Kisaai in Nahw (Arabic grammar), and Imaam Isma’i in Sh’ir (poetry).