Muhammad Bin Abdullah Bin Abdul Hakam says: “I did not find anyone making such a complete and wonderful wudhu with minimum amount of water as Imaam Shaafi’. This was the product of Imaam Shaafi’s tafaqquh.”
[In other words this was proof of Imaam Shaafi’ being a Faqeeh – one who has deep insight into the teachings of Allah Ta’ala by virtue of his outstanding taqwa and closeness to Allah Ta’ala. Tafaqquh is not just understanding words and textsof the Qur’aan and Hadeeth; it is inextricably interwoven with practical life. In the above illustration of Imaam Shaafi’s tafaqquh his minimal use of water whilst fulfilling the requirements for a perfect wudhu is mentioned. He did not waste water, nor was his wudhu incomplete. This was the wudhu of Rasoolullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam).]