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4.3 Inculcation of Self-Respect

In the month of Ramadhaan it is custom to distribute confectionary, etc. on the occasion of Khatm-e-Qur’aan. Neighbourhood boys on such occasions attempt to extract maximum benefit [by taking as much of the delicacies as they can]. However, his father could not tolerate him being a beggar. To make him independent in temperament, therefore, his father would not allow him to go to the Masaajid on such occasions. Children incumbently feel offended at such refusals. To ward this off his father thought up an amazing plan. Hazrat gives details of this in his own words. He says:
“He would never allow me to participate during the distribution of sweetmeats in the Masaajid at the Khatm of the Qur’aan. Rather, he would purchase sweetmeats instead on that day from the shops and give me even more to eat. He would say: ‘To go to Masjids for mithai is disgraceful. In this beautiful manner he saved us from greed and protected our self-respect.”

4.4 Disgust for Loafing

The foundation for loafing is generally laid during childhood when children are given all the opportunity to associate and play with others. In his nature he disliked this. Thus he would play at home with his sister, rather than play with the neighbourhood boys. The neighbourhood boys would view this as an insult to them and they would run behind him with knives to intimidate him to play with them. For his protection, therefore, a butler would be sent to accompany him to Madrasah.

When this did not restrain them [the louts] and they continued with their intimidation, then as a last resort a report was handed in to the local police station. The station commander summoned all the boys and gave them a good hiding with his stick which he was carrying with him coincidentally. The station commander warned: “If in future any of you force him to play with you then I am going to give you such a punishment that you will never forget for the rest of your life.” Thereafter, no one invited him to play with them.

4.5 Love for Namaaz

He would not even play anything futile with his sister at home. For instance, he would gather everyone’s shoes, place one pair in front and make rows with the others behind. Out of joy he would enthusiastically tell the others: “See, the shoes are also reading Namaaz.”