Studying Ilm of Deen In Spite of Adverse Circumstances

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Studying Ilm of Deen In Spite of Adverse Circumstances

Imaam Shaafi’ (Rahmatullahi alaih) was born in 150 Hijri in the town of Asqalaan or Gazza. His father had migrated there from Hijaaz. Shortly thereafter his father passed away. His mother, Faatimah Bint Abdullah took him and relocated to Makkah Mukarramah so that she could preserve his family lineage and nobility. In Makkah Mukarramah he resided in the Shi’bul Khaif neighbourhood. One of his family members was occupied with livelihood.  This family member tried to bring Imaam Shaafi’ also into business with him. However, Allah Ta’ala wanted to accept Imaam Shaafi’ for Ilm, hence his inclination remained towards Talab-e-Ilm (seeking knowledge) and in spite of undergoing the hardships of hunger, poverty and being an orphan he studied the Ilm of the Deen.