6.5 The Janaazah of the Ustaad at the Home of the Student
In all humility and care it was Moulana’s practice that he would go and visit his Shaagird. From this the rank of the Shaagird can be adequately gauged. In this regard, when Moulana Fatah Muhammad Saheb passed away during the period when there was a severe outbreak of pestilence, the day of his demise saw heavy thundershowers coming down. Hazrat Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi, therefore, was unable to attend the Janaazah Namaaz. Moulana’s family were also people of knowledge and understanding and they were well aware of the teacher-student relationship. For this reason they considered Hazrat Thanwi to have a valid reason for not attending and, instead, brought the Janaazah to him. It was as if Moulana Fatah Muhammad lived up to his practice [of visiting his student] even at the time of departure from this world.
6.6 Directing Special Attention from the Aalam-e-Barzakh
From the foregoing episode it can be understood to what degree the Ustaad’s attention was on the pupil. This is further corroborated from this incident: Once, Hazrat returned from a journey to Kanpur. The son-in-law of Moulana Fatah Muhammad, Hafiz Ismatullah Marhoom who, in childhood attended lessons with Hazrat, saw Moulana in a dream telling him in regard to Hazrat: “He has returned from Kanpur. Why do you not invite him for meals? Invite him and slaughter the fowl which has been raised at home and feed him.”
6.7 Moulana Muhammad Ya’qoob Saheb Nanotwi
This was Hazrat Thanwi’s most special, dearest and most honourable Ustaad. He was the number one teacher in Darul Uloom Deoband; unique in teaching and academic sciences; one who possessed great spiritual powers and inspiration and he could demonstrate miracles. He is ranked among the Awliya-e-Kaamileen. He was among the eminent Khulafa of Hazrat Haji Imdaadullah (Quddisa Sirruhul Azeez) and he commanded the position of Qutub-e-Takween [the Head of the Awliya charged with supervision over events of the world].