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The Silken Rug and the Armenian Rug

Haarith Bin Suraij says that he went with Imaam Shaafi’ (Rahmatullahi alaih) to a close artisan of Haroon Rasheed the Abbaasi khaleefah. In his [the artisan’s] room a carpet of pure silk was spread out. Imaam Shaafi’ stood by the door and stared at it. He then turned around and said: “It is not permissible to use this.”

The host took him to another room where there was an expensive Armenian rug spread out. Imaam Shaafi’ went into the room and said to him [the artisan]: “Look! That was haraam, whilst this is halaal, whereas this is of greater value and more beautiful than that.”

We learn from this that there is no need to resort to haraam. Allah Ta’ala has created halaal items and halaal ways which are beautiful and adequate for our needs.