He had abundant love for and good faith in the Ahlullah from childhood. Although he was not over-enthusiastic at looking at kitaabs, however, he would study the lives of the Buzrugs with great interest. He would mostly study Tabaqaatul Kubra which contains the anecdotes and statements of Buzrugs. Notwithstanding shortage of time, after Asr till just before Maghrib he would take out time to read such kitaabs whereas letters would be even difficult to make out due to the fading light. Concurrently, he would select from the kitaab stories which were subsequently published with the title Nuzhatul Basaateen. It contains a thousand stories of the Ahlullah.
9.3 Speaking About the Buzrugs
He would on many occasions passionately and fervently speak about Buzrugs in the Majlis. This would induce in the hearts of the listeners love for the Mashaaikh, Soofiyah, Ulama and Fuqaha. He would say: “These illustrious personages were intoxicated with Divine-Love. Speaking about them has the same effect; a state of intoxication settles over one. The mere names of these Buzrugs revitalize the rooh [soul] and illuminate the heart. These illustrious personalities were madly in love with Allah Ta’ala. It is not possible that one reads about them and Divine-Love not settling over the heart.”