More on Acts which Invalidate Salaat
More on Acts which Invalidate Salaat
6. If the muqtadi gives luqmah to the imam by hearing the recitation of someone else or by looking into the Quran, his salaat will become invalid. And if the imam accepts this luqmah, his salaat will also become invalid. If after looking into the Quran or by hearing the recitation of someone else, the muqtadi remembers the verse and gives the luqmah based on his memory, then the salaat will not become invalid.
7. Similarly, if a person is offering his salaat and recites one verse after looking into the Quran, his salaat will still become invalid. And if he had known this verse before looking into the Quran, his salaat will not become invalid. Alternatively, he did not remember this verse previously, but looked at less than the complete verse, then too his salaat will not become invalid.
8. If a woman stands near a man in such a way that any part of her body comes in line with any part of the body of the man, then the salaat will become invalid. So much so that when she goes into sajdah and her head comes in line with his feet, even then the salaat will become invalid. However, for the salaat to become invalid, the following conditions have to be found:
i) The woman is mature (irrespective of whether she is young or old), or she is immature but old enough for sexual intercourse. If a very young immature girl is in line with a man in salaat, the salaat will not become invalid.
ii) Both, man and woman, have to be in salaat. If any one of them is not in salaat and they come in line, the salaat will not become invalid.
iii) There must be no barrier between the two. If there is a curtain between the two, a sutra, or there is such a gap between the two that one person can stand there without any difficulty, the salaat will not become invalid.
iv) All the prerequisites for the salaat to be valid have to be found in the woman. If a woman is a lunatic, in the state of menstruation or nifaas, then her coming in line with the man will not make the salaat invalid because she herself will not be considered to be in salaat.
v) The salaat must not be a janaazah salaat. Being in line with a man in janaazah salaat will not invalidate the salaat.
vi) Being in line has to be to the extent of one rukn of salaat. If it is any less, the salaat will not become invalid. For example, they stand in line for such a short period of time that the ruku or anything else cannot be made, and thereafter she goes away. This little while will not invalidate the salaat.
vii) The takbeer-e-tahreemah of both is the same. That is, this woman is a muqtadi of that man, or this man and woman are the muqtadis of a third person.
viii) At the time of commencing the salaat, the imam had made the intention of imamat for the woman or made this intention in the midst of his salaat when she joined the jama’at. If the imam did not make an intention of imamat for her, the salaat will not become invalid. Instead, only her salaat will not be valid.