vi. Moulana Shah Muhammad Husain Saheb Ilahabadi He was also the Khaleefa-e-Mujaaz of Hazrat Shaikhul Arab wal Ajam, Haji Imdaadullah (Rahmatullahi alaih), and a Buzrug with a strong spiritual gaze. He would show respect and regard for Hazrat Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi in a special way. Although in regard to the contentious mas’alah of samaa’ he had a different inclination to that of Hazrat, however this difference did not spoil their mutual affection and attachment. In this regard, once a person invited Moulana for meals together with Hazrat Thanwi. It was Moulana’s practice, that after meals he would arrange for a majlis of samaa’ which he would call ‘spiritual food’ for his self-reformation. On account of this Hazrat Thanwi excused himself from the da’wat. [It should be borne in mind that this samaa’ was not the fake samaa’ of fake buzrugs bedevilled with the accompaniment of haraam music. It was purely a session of singing divine love poems. But the Muhaqqiq Soofiyah declare this, too, as haraam and rejected.] Thereafter Hazrat participated on the condition given by the inviter that in Hazrat’s presence there will not be any majlis of samaa’. Out of consideration and respect for Moulana, Hazrat hastily prepared to leave after the meal. But Moulana Ilahabadi, too, got up. Hazrat thought that perhaps he is seeing him off. However, he also left for home together with Hazrat and, not only did he consider it inconsiderate, he took it to be disrespectful to participate in a gathering in which Hazrat had dissociated himself from. In this manner, for the sake of Hazrat Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi he changed his practice and deprived himself that day of his‘spiritual food’. Besides Hazrat he never showed such regard for anyone else.
vii. Hazrat Moulana Shah Abdur Raheem Saheb Raipuri He was among the top Khulafa of Hazrat Moulana Gangohi, and a Buzrug abounding in spiritual grace. The hue of his simplicity, piety and humility could be seen in even his khuddaam. In proclaiming the Haq he never showed regard for anyone. Whatever he wished to say, he would cast his gaze down and speak candidly. And for this reason Hazrat Moulana Thanwi had love for him. He would say: “With Shah Saheb also my trust is intuitive and without the need for rational proof.” The wonderful favours, attention, honour and respect of his were of such a nature that during the period of his illness, Hazrat came to Raipur to visit him. He had recovered but was still feeling weak and he was staying in a private quarter in the top-storey of his home. Hazrat was staying in a room in the courtyard of the garden below. Hazrat Raipuri was so much concerned of Hazrat’s comfort that he would come down repeatedly and ask if there was anything required. Hazrat Thanwi states: “He was so watchful that whenever my eyes opened during the night I would find Shah Saheb present. Almost the whole night he was engaged in this.” Hazrat Shah Saheb would attend the lectures of Hazrat Thanwi very enthusiastically and eagerly.
viii. Hazrat Haji Muhammad Anwar Saheb Deobandi He was the Khaleefah of Hazrat Sayyid Muhammad Aabid Saheb Deobandi, and a great Saheb-e-Nisbat Buzrug. Some opined that he was greater than his Shaikh. After returning from Haj the spiritual state of sukr [intoxication with divine love] would remain over him. In consequence, he would give his belongings to people for free. He would arrange for food to be cooked and distributed. People would think that he was insane. During that time Hazrat Thanwi went to Deoband. He went to meet him. Walls of stone and brick and screens of flesh and skin never were barriers for the gaze of the Ahlullah. Haji Muhammad Anwar Saheb at once picked up that Hazrat was also endowed with spiritual mysteries, hence he said: “I am telling you a secret which I have not disclosed to anyone to this day. Do not reveal it to anyone in my lifetime.”
Hazrat disclosed it after his demise saying: “In the Haram Shareef I [Haji Muhammad Anwar Saheb] made ziyaarat of some illustrious Ambiya (Alaihimus Salaam) in the state of being awake. This present condition of mine is the effect of the gaze of those illustrious beings.”