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10.2 Divine Love

Hazrat Shah Sher Muhammad Khan was the renowned Buzrug of Peeli Bheet. Hazrat Thanwi went there for a matrimony and thus went to visit him as well. He [Hazrat Thanwi] requested him to make du’aa that:“Love of Allah Ta’ala is created in my heart.”

Shah Sher Muhammad Khan Saheb replied: “Rub both your hands.” Without hesitation, in compliance with the instruction and with total confidence he rubbed his hands. When he had rubbed then Shah Saheb asked: “Has it become a little hot?” He replied: “Jee Haa [Yes].” Upon this Shah Saheb said:
“In the same way, rub your heart with the zikr of Allah Ta’ala]. Insha Allah, love of Allah Ta’ala will be produced in your heart.”

During his student days he read in a kitaab that a peer asked his mureed. “Do you know Allah Ta’ala?” The mureed replied: “Where do I know Allah Ta’ala! I know you.”

Hazrat Thanwi’s face turned red in anger over this statement and he went to Hazrat Moulana Muhammad Ya’qoob Saheb to narrate it. He said:
“See Hazrat! Foolish Soofis worshipping their peers to such a degree that having a peer they, Na’oothu-billah, consider themselves independent of Allah Ta’ala.”

Moulana alluded to its interpretation very exquisitely by posing the question: “Do you know Allah Ta’ala?”

Immediately Hazrat’s mind went to the fact that no one has knowledge of the essence of Allah Jalla Shaanuhu. This he put forward in answer. Moulana then said:
“Then why is his statement not interpreted in this light? Why is a fatwa of kufr passed?”

It can be gauged from the above episode that although Divine Love was present in his heart from childhood, however, the du’aa of that Buzrug [Hazrat Shah Ser Muhammad Khan Saheb] added glitter to it. Accordingly, when he went to Makkah Mukarramah he wrote a treatise during his stay there entitled Anwaarul Wujood fee Atwaarish Shuhood dealing with the six stages of Haq Ta’ala’s manifestation – Tanazzulaat-e-Sittah – which have a distinct relationship with the real existence of Unity.

[For the benefit of the average reader a readily understood explanation of the concept of Tanazzulaat-e-Sittah follows: