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Satt al-Muluk


She was from Arabia. All the ’auliya’ and ‘ulama’ of her time used to honour her. Once she went to visit Baytul Maqdis. At that time, a sufi by the name of ‘Ali bin ‘Albas Yamani was present over there. He says: “I was in the musjid when I saw a thread filled with nur extending from the sky to the dome of the musjid. When I went to look, I saw this woman offering salat under the dome and the thread was attached to her.”

Lesson: This nur was the nur of piety. It is formed in the heart of all pious persons. At times, Allah displays this nur outside as well. But the actual place of this nur is the heart. O women! Adopt piety, do good deeds and stay away from that which is prohibited.