Continuing The Sighting of the Moon

Reading Time: 2 minutes


5. Upon seeing the moon, one should not say that the moon appears to be very big and that it appears to be the second moon. This is an evil habit. It is mentioned in a Hadith that this is a sign of qiyâmah. When qiyâmah will draw near, people will talk in this manner. In short, do not even rely on the size of the moon as to whether it is big or small. Nor should you rely on the Hindus who say that today is dooj (the second day of the lunar fortnight) and that the moon will definitely be sighted today. In the Shariah, all this is regarded as nonsense.

6. If the skies are absolutely clear, even the testimony of several persons will not be acceptable and the sighting of the moon cannot be established. This is irrespective of whether it is the moon of Ramadhân or the moon of Eid. However, if a very large number of people give their testimony that they have sighted the moon to such an extent that the heart feels that such a large number of people cannot be lying and that it is impossible for them to be concocting a story, then only will the sighting of the moon be established.


7. A rumour has spread in the entire city that the moon had been sighted yesterday and that many people had seen it. However, after making many enquiries, not a single person could be found who had actually sighted the moon. Such a rumour cannot be acceptable.

8. A person sighted the moon of Ramadhân. Apart from him, no one else in the entire city sighted the moon. Furthermore, this person does not follow the dictates of the Shariah. The residents of the city should not fast and cannot rely on this person’s testimony. However, this person will have to fast. And if he fasts for the full thirty days and the moon of Eid has not been sighted as yet, he will have to keep one additional fast and celebrate Eid with the rest of the residents of the city.

A person sighted the moon of Eid alone and the Shariah did not accept his testimony. This person cannot celebrate Eid as well. He must fast the following day and should not rely on his sighting of the moon. Nor should he break his fast.