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Hadhrat Abdullah Khabeeq (Rahmatullah alayh) was among the Auliya of the early era of Islam. Hadhrat Fatah Musali (Rahmatullah alayh) said that when I first met him, he said to me: “O Khurasaani: “There are not more than four things (to guard): The eyes, the tongue, the heart and the nafs. Prevent the eyes from looking at any prohibition. Do not say anything which is hypocritical.  Save the heart from hypocrisy and kibr. Prevent the nafs from desires and do not   seek to fulfil its demands. If you lack in these attributes, then bemoan your fate.”

What Hadhrat Abdullah Khabeeq says here is the minimum standard for every Muslim. It is Waajib for every Mu’min to cultivate these attributes to adorn himself with Islamic (Sunnah) morality.

“Allah Ta’ala had created the heart (the baatin/spiritual heart) to be the abode of Thikr. Its companionship with the nafs has transformed it into an abode of lust. Either khauf which creates restlessness or shauq (yearning for Allah Ta’ala) which causes restlessness is able to eliminate the lust of the heart.

“He who wishes to  keep his heart alive  in this life, tell him to keep the heart forlorn and to abandon all desire so that he could be freed from all and everything.”

“Do not grieve except for something which will tomorrow on the Day of Qiyaamah be harmful for you, and do not be happy over anything except for something which will bring happiness to you on the Day of Qiyaamah.”

“The taste and pleasure of Obedience (to Allah) depart from the heart of one who listens much to baatil (futility, falsehood and the like).”

Those who compromise the Haqq by association with the

people of bid’ah and baatil, should heed this advice.

“Vastly beneficial khauf (fear) is that which always keeps you grieving for having lost your past life in disobedience.”

Raja’ (Hope for Allah’s Mercy) is of three kinds:

(1) Virtuous deeds accompanied by the hope of acceptance (and the fear of rejection).

(2) Sins accompanied by the hope of forgiveness (and rejection of one’s repentance).

(3)  Constant (and reckless) sinning while hoping for forgiveness. This is a false hope.”

“Ikhlaas in a deed is more difficult than the deed itself.”

If  you  desire  to  be  ahead  of  all  people,  do  not  accept anything   from   them,   for   Allah   is   for   you   better   than everything.”