Important note:
- The information below has been sourced from the book “Shiasm for Dummies.”
- Due to the self-confessed “Taqiya doctrine” practiced by the Shias many simple-minded, gullible and innocent Muslims are mislead and become trapped into Shiasm with disastrous consequences for their Imaan and their Aakhirah.
- Some Muslim ladies are innocently involved in prostitution which the Shias practice under the holy sounding “ibaadat” of “Mut’ah” (Temporary Marriage).
- Under no circumstances does Islam permit any form of violence against the Shias. The need for understanding how to identify them is to safeguard oneself from being deceived into falling into one of their traps.
When walking in the street, or in public places, it’s becoming increasingly important to become vigilant as to who may be a Shi’ah, and who may be not. Here are some general guidelines:
- Their ladies normally don their Hijaab a little differently from Muslims. In some parts of the world, they prefer wearing an Aqeeq stone or a Durood-e- Najaf ring on their right finger;
- The beard of Shi’ahs are generally shorter than those of Muslims who choose to wear a fist-length beard. It’s normally well-groomed too;
- Some Shi’ah youth wear a miniature sword as a necklace;
- They have no noor (light) on their faces. There is a matt-like coating of darkness on their faces and bodies. In some situations of war when the bodies of Muslims and Shi’ahs are mixed, it is generally seen that the blood of Shi’ahs turn black and their corpses stink, whilst that of Muslims remain red;
- The menfolk sometime carry a stone (called a Turbah) made from the clay of Najaf or Karbala, upon which they prostrate in salaat. Shi’ahs only pray three times a day, and keep their hands suspended on the side;
- Shi‘ah Masjids are generally called “Huseiniyahs” (community centres) and have no domes and minarets. However, this is not the general rule as some of their Masjids have very prominent domes and minarets. However, their Imambarahs (places where their Imams and saints are buried) have a distinct straight arch-like architecture;
- When they speak of religion, they only speak of the Ahlul Bait, and generally use the term “Imam” “Maula,” and “Alaihis Salaam” when taking their names. More extreme Shi’ahs will reveal their hatred by criticizing and cursing the Sahabah, particularly Sayyadina Abubakr (Radiallahu Anhu), ‘Umar ibn al- Khattab (Radiallahu Anhu) and the noble wives;
- They generally have names like Hassan, Hussein, Naqi, Reza, Mehdi, Abdul-‘Ali, Fatima, Zahra etc. They rarely keep the names of the general Sahabah, but those of their Imams and their families. Some of their surnames are Zaidi, Rizvi, Ismaili etc;
- Shi’ahs generally keep their trousers below their ankles;
- If confused, draw them into a discussion on politics. Ask them what they think of America and the unrest in Karbala. You will get your answer sooner or later;
- You could also politely ask them: “Are you a Shi’ah or not?”
- Engage them in a discussion about mut’ah, Imamah, the Sahabah, Imam Khomeini. From how they speak, you will be able to quickly establish their identity;
- Their homes, vehicles and businesses generally have Shi’ah signs on them like “Ya ‘Ali,” “Ali Waliyyullah,” or “Ali Madad.”
- If they are carrying a book, look at the title discreetly or ask them what the book is about;
- In Muharram, they generally wear black and attend all the mourning rituals, jalsahs etc. In some countries on such days, they will have a black flag outside their home, and on the balance of the days, a red flag. On the doors of some Shi’ahs, is a hand-like knocker with some inscription on it;
- If you sitting in their vehicle or a taxi, you will make out by the type of music or lectures being played in it;
- In their home, it will be choice of satellite channels and the types of portraits found therein. Shi’ahs love depictions of Karbala, portraits of their Imams etc;
It is important for lay-people not to engage in a discussion with Shi’ahs on topics which they are not acquainted with. Such discussions normally lead to planting doubts about vital matters of faith in one’s mind, which can very easily lead to losing one’s imaan altogether. Debating with Shi’ahs is generally useless as they have no desire to learn the truth.
Our differences with the Shias throughout the history of Islam have always been confined to an academic level and never to the type of violence which are in vogue today. Anyone propagating, advertising, instigating, condoning or conducting physical violence must surely prepare himself for accounting to the All-Mighty on the Day of Qiyaamah.