8. Hadrat Abdullah bin Amr radiallahu anhu narrates that a person came to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and asked: “Which is the best deed in Islam?” Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam replied: “Salaat.” He asked: “Then what?” He replied: “Salaat.” He asked: “Then what?” He replied: “Salaat.” (He emphasized the importance of salaat in this manner so that the people would offer it with due importance and will not allow themselves to miss it.)
When this person repeated this question for the fourth time, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam replied: “Striving in the path of Allah.” (That is, the best deed after salaat is fighting the disbelievers (in the path of Allah) so that the Deen of Allah may dominate. And not so that I may gain some monetary benefit out of it or that I may be praised for it. Even if one may receive this wealth and other benefits, the intention should not be for this. So after the fard salaat, all these acts are the best.)
Thereafter this person said that his parents were alive. (That is, what advice do you have concerning them?) Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said: “I order you to be kind to them.” (That is, be good to them and do not harm them in any way because this is haraam. It is so necessary to fulfil the rights of the parents that one should not do anything that causes them any sort of difficulty. This is on condition that what he is doing is not higher in rank than fulfilling some other responsibilities. In addition to this, it must not be such that it entails disobedience to Allah Ta’ala. “Difficulty” and “harm” in this context refers to that difficulty and harm which has been considered by the Shariah. To do more than what is necessary to one’s parents is mustahab and not compulsory. Understand this well because many people err in this respect.)
Thereafter this person said: “I swear by that being who has sent you as a true prophet that I will definitely make jihaad and leave my parents behind.” Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam replied: “You know best. (That is, do good to your parents and go for jihaad as you wish. Narrated by Imam Ahmad rahmatullahi alayhi.)
We learn from this Hadith that the status of jihaad is higher than serving one’s parents. However, in other Ahadith it has been narrated that after the fard salaat, serving the parents is better than jihaad. The answer to this apparent contradiction is that the meaning of the rights of parents being higher than jihaad is that since the rights of parents fall under huquq ul ibaad (rights of fellow human beings) and these can only be forgiven by seeking forgiveness from them. They are therefore higher than jihaad.
Because, if jihaad becomes fard and a person does not go and the time of jihaad expires, then by making taubah this sin will be forgiven. Opposed to this, huquq ul-ibaad are not forgiven by mere taubah. Another answer to this is that different types of people used to question Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he used to reply according to each one’s state and condition.)
9. Hadrat Abu Ayyub Ansari radiallahu anhu narrates that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to say: “Each salaat wipes out the forthcoming sins.” – Ibid
The meaning of this is that the minor sins that one commits from one salaat to the next, are forgiven.
10. Hadrat Abu Umaamah Baahili radiallahu anhu relates that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to say: “One fard salaat together with the next fard salaat wipes out the sins that were committed before that salaat. (meaning that the minor sins which were committed before that salaat are wiped out. Similarly, the minor sins that are committed till the next salaat are also wiped out by this next salaat) And the jumu’ah salaat wipes out the sins which were committed before this jumu’ah salaat until he offers the next jumu’ah salaat. (In some Ahadith, it has been narrated that the sins of upto three additional days are forgiven. That is, the minor sins of three days after jumu’ah are forgiven) And the fasts of the month of Ramadaan wipe out the sins which were committed since the previous Ramadaan until he fasts in this Ramadaan. And hajj wipes out all the previous sins until he makes the next hajj.” The narrator adds: “Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam then said: “It is not permissible for a Muslim woman to go for hajj without her husband or a mahram!” – Tabrani
If someone poses the question that what virtue will a person attain if he did not commit any minor sin whatsoever? Or, if all the minor sins between each salaat are forgiven, then which sins will be forgiven by offering jumu’ah, etc. because now there will be no sins left to be forgiven? The answer to both these questions is that the person’s status will increase.
11. Hadrat Abu Umaamah radiallahu anhu narrates that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said: “The offering of the five daily salaats is like a person having a bath five times a day in a stream which is flowing in front of his house and whose water is very sweet. Do you think any dirt will remain on his body?” – Ibid
12. Hadrat Abu Hurayrah radiallahu anhu narrates that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said: “The first thing regarding which a person will be questioned on the day of resurrection is his salaat. If his salaat is in order, the rest of his acts of worship will also be in order. (This is because if a person is regular in his salaat, then through the barakah of this salaat all his other ibaadaat will also be in order) If his salaat is not in order, the rest of his actions will also not be in order. Allah Ta’ala will then address the angels saying: “Does My servant have any nafl salaats in his book of deeds?” If he has any nafl salaats, he will be given the reward of fard salaats in order to make up for the fard salaats which he missed. Thereafter, the other fard acts will also be accounted for. (and completed through the nafl acts; such as fard fasts and nafl fasts, fard charity and nafl charity, etc.) All this will be done through the kindness and mercy of Allah Ta’ala, (That is, this is actually the mercy of Allah Ta’ala that the fard acts will be completed by the nafl acts. Because strictly speaking, the rule ought to have been that the fard should not be completed by the nafl. And if it is not complete, the person ought to be punished. Glory be to Allah! How merciful He isl) The person who does not have any fard acts nor any naFl acts will be punished.” However, if Allah wishes, He could forgive whomsoever He wishes.
13. Hadrat Abu Hurayrah radiallahu anhu narrates that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said: “Of all the acts of worship which Allah has stipulated on His servants, salaat is the most virtuous. The person who has the strength to increase in this ibaadah, should increase.” That is, he should offer it abundantly so that he may receive abundant rewards.
14. Hadrat Ubaadah bin Saamit radiallahu anhu narrates that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said: “Jibra’eel came to me and said: ‘O Muhammad! Allah Ta’ala says: ‘I have made five salaats fard on your ummah. Whoever fulfils them by making wudu, offering them at the appointed time, fulfilling the rukus and sajdahs in the proper manner, then through this salaat of his, it becomes necessary upon Me to enter him into jannah. And whoever meets Me while being negligent in this regard, there is nothing that is incumbent upon Me. If I wish, I could punish him, and if I wish I could forgive him.”