Milk for Milk and Water for Water
Milk for Milk and Water for Water
A milkman used to dilute the milk with an equal amount of water.
Once, whilst on his way home after selling the milk, he had the urge
to relieve himself. He placed his moneybag beneath a tree before
relieving himself. A monkey that was seated on the tree climbed
down and snatched the bag. After returning, he realised what had
transpired but despite all his efforts to retrieve the moneybag, the
monkey refused to part with it.
Alongside the tree was a well. The monkey now tore open the bag
with its teeth and began throwing one coin into the well and one coin
to him. Eventually, half the coins fell in the well and half fell towards
him. Seeing this he exclaimed, “Milk for milk and water for water.”
What he meant was that he had retrieved the money for the milk and
the money for the water was thrown into the well.
NOTE: It is a deception to sell milk mixed with water whilst giving
the buyer the impression that it is pure milk. This is prohibited.
However, if the seller informs the buyer, it will be permissible.