Moulana As`Adullah Sahib’s رحمة الله عليه debate with Dharam Bhakhshu
Moulana As`Adullah Sahib’s رحمة الله عليه debate with
Dharam Bhakhshu
Moulana As`adullah Sahib رحمة الله عليه once had a debate with Dharam
Bhakhshu. Moulana was making objections and he was answering
each objection. For every question that Moulana posed, he gave an
answer. He then began giving ilzaami answers (counter-attacking
answers) by saying, “In your religion there is this and that.” Moulana
said to him, “You have no right to give ilzaami answers. This
discussion is set up to examine your religion. We are asking
questions and you are meant to answer them in the light of your
religion. You cannot ask anything regarding Islam in this discussion.
When we have a discussion on Islam, you may then forward your
He then asked, “And when are you going to have this discussion?”
Moulana replied, “Just now. After we defeat you we will have this
discussion.” In a few minutes time, Moulana رحمة الله عليه defeated him
and said, “Now we are going to have another discussion on Islam.
Any person wishing to make an objection may forward them and we
will answer them all. Thus, Dharam began his questioning.”
Dharam: How many skies are there?
Moulana: Nine
Dharam: What is beneath the ninth sky?
Moulana: The eighth sky.
Dharam: What is beneath that?
Moulana: The seventh sky.
Dharam: And what is beneath that?
Moulana: The sixth sky and beneath that is the fifth and then the
fourth and then the third and then the second and then the first.
Dharam: And what is beneath that?
Moulana: The region of fire, the region of Zamhareer, the region of
water, the region of wind. Thereafter comes the first earth, then the
second earth, then the third.
He continued asking in this manner that, “What is under this and
what is under that?” Eventually, Moulana رحمة الله عليه mentioned, “And
then comes you and below you is your mother!”
On hearing this,Dharam said, “I confess that you are victorious and I am a loser.”
The topic of discussion was the truth of Islam and he began asking
questions about the skies, etc. It was for this reason that Hadhrat
Moulana رحمة الله عليه gave such an answer. In such debates, one is
compelled to furnish such answers, since academic proofs will be of
no benefit.
Malfoozaat of Faqeeh-ul-Ummat