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After searching for bodies of the shuhada in one of the areas of Shaam, the mujahideen came across the body of a 16 year old boy who be-came shaheed. They found in his pocket a small notebook which he used to write his sins during the week.

If only we could call them “sins”!

Monday: I slept without wudhoo.
Tuesday: I laughed with a loud voice.
Wednesday: I prayed qiyaam al layl (salaah) fast.
Thursday: When we were playing and i scored a goal and i felt pride.
Friday: I didnt complete 1000 durood on the prophet (salallahualayhiwssalam) and only reached 700.
Saturday: One of the army generals made sa-laam first and beat me to it.
Sunday: I forgot the morning athkaar. (Zikr)

Subhanallah! Let every youngster think about how this brother prioritised his life. Sleeping without Wudhu, laughing loud, reading Salaah fast, pride, not reciting durood, not making sa-laam first and forgetting to make Zikr were viewed as “sins” by him. And we who commit adultery and abandon Salaah and the Sunnah and remember Shaytaan feel no pang of re-morse!