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By Ml Thanvi Rahmatullahi alayh

Once this entire universe is destroyed, 40

years will pass in this tranquility. Allah Ta’ala

will then issue the order for the trumpet to be

blown a second time. The earth and the skies

will come back into existence and the dead

will rise from their graves. All of them will be

gathered in the plains of qiyaamah.

The sun will be very close, the heat of which

will cause the brains of people to boil and they

will perspire according to their sins.The people

will be standing in this heat, hungry and

thirsty, extremely worried. As for those who

were pious, the ground will be turned into fine

flour for them whereby they will satiate their

hunger and they will go to the HUAD-EKAUTHAR

in order to quench their thirst.

Once the people get tired of standing in the

plains of qiyaamah, they will all go to hadrat

Aadam (alayhis Salaam) and thereafter to other

prophets requesting them to intercede on

their behalf so that the accounting of their

deeds could be accomplished quickly. All the

prophets will present some excuse and will not

make any promise of intercession.

Eventually, all the people will go to Rasulullah

( sallallahu alayhi wasallam) and make the

same request to him. On the orders of Allah

Ta’ala, he will accept this request, go to

Maqaam-e-Mahmud and intercede on their

behalf. Allah Ta’ala will reply : ” I have accepted

your intercession. After manifesting myself

in the land, I will now commence with the accounting

of deeds ”

Many angels will begin descending and surrounding

the people from all sides. Thereafter,

the throne as Allah Ta’ala will descend and his

splendour and manifestation will be on it. The

accounting of deeds will commence and the

books of deeds will be distributed. The believers

will receive their book of deeds in their

right hands while the disbelievers will receive

them in their left hands.

These books of deeds will land automatically

into the hands of the respective persons. The

scale will be brought whereby all the good and

evil deeds will be weighed and established.

The order will then be given for everyone to

cross the bridge called ” siraat”. Those whose

good deeds were heavier in the scale will

cross the “siraat” and enter paradise.

As for those whose evil deeds were heavier

and Allah did not forgive them. will fall into

hell. Those whose goods deeds and evil

deeds are equal, will go to a place called

“a’raaf” which is between jannah and jahannam.

They will stay over there.

Thereafter, Rasulullah ( sallallahu alayhi

wasallam), the other Ambiyaa (alayhimus salaam),

the aalim, the wali, the martyr, the

haafiz of the quraan, and other pious servants

will intercede on behalf of the sinners. Their

intercession will be accepted. The person who

has even an iota of imaan in his heart will

eventually come out of jahannam and admitted

into jannah.

Similarly, those who were made to remain at

“a’raaf” will be admitted into jannah. Only

those who are absolute kuffaar and polytheists

will remain in jahannam. Once all in inhabitants

of jannah and jahannam have taken their

respective places, Allah Ta’ala will place

“death” in form of a ram between jannah and

jahannam. All the inhabitants of jannah and

jahannam will be able to see it.

In the presence of all of them, Allah Ta’ala will

have this ram slaughtered and announce that

now no death will overcome the inhabitants of

jannah. All of them will have to remain in their

respective places forever. When they hear this,

there will be no limit to happiness that the inhabitants

of Jannah will experience. And there

will be no limit to sorrow and grief that the inhabitants

of Jahannam will experience