For Sale: Palace in Paradise
Nabi (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) said: “I guarantee a palace on the outskirts of Paradise for the person who abstains from disputes, even though he may be in the right; and a palace in the middle of Paradise for the person who abandons speaking lies, even if it be in jest; and a palace in the highest stages of Paradise for the person who has good character.” (Sunan Abi Dawood #4800)
In the abovementioned hadeeth, Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) stands guarantee for a person receiving a palace in Jannah. However, there are three different palaces promised.
The first is a palace on the outskirts of Jannah, and this is promised for the person who avoids disputes and arguments, even if he be in the right. It is obvious that avoiding a dispute, in the situation where one is in the right, will entail one foregoing and sacrificing his right. However, on account of his sacrifice being for the sake of maintaining peace and good relations, Allah Ta‘ala will reward him with a palace on the outskirts of Jannah. Furthermore, if a person has such self-control that he can avoid an argument even when he is in the right, this person will definitely avoid arguing, fighting, and attempting to justify his actions when he is in the wrong.
The second is a palace in the middle of Jannah, which can be considered as a ‘prime spot’, and this is promised for the person who has such a high level of truthfulness that he does not even lie in joking and jest. Sometimes, even a person who is generally truthful will lie in order to amuse people and win a few laughs. This, however, is impermissible. When a person has complete truthfulness, he will speak the truth at all times.
The third is a palace in the highest stages of Jannah, and this is promised for the person who has good character. The reason for this person receiving the best palace is that good character is the root of all other good qualities, including avoiding arguments and leaving out speaking lies. Hence, a person who has good character will have all the other good qualities which stem from good character and will ensure that he causes no harm to the creation of Allah Ta‘ala.