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A Pit in Hell

It is mentioned in a Hadith: “Wayl is for the one who has no knowledge.” (Wayl is the name of a pit in hell as has been mentioned in another Hadith. It also means destruction or terrible doom). In other words, the abode of a jaahil (ignorant person) is hell because very seldom does a jaahil die with Iman.

It is related in a Hadith that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said: “I swear by Allah that He will not put any of His beloved servants into hell.” This Hadith has been narrated through a correct chain of narrators in Jaami as-Sagheer. It is obvious that only an aalim who practises on his knowledge can be the beloved and close one of Allah. As for the jaahil, he can never be accepted by Allah. In order to save one’s self from the fearful punishment of Allah Ta’ala and gain His pleasure, it is necessary for one to occupy oneself with knowledge and to practise on that knowledge. A poet says: “Whatever difficulties the friends of Allah experience in this world, are in reality their punishment. And forgiveness for their sins is sufficient. By Allah! hell will not punish them after this.” But understand well that the friend of Allah, for whom such great glad tidings have been given, can only be that person who seeks His pleasure and follows His commands all the time. If by chance a sin is committed, one should repent immediately.