The slave-girl of ’Abu ‘Amir Wa‘iz
Reading Time: < 1 minute
He says: “I saw a slave-girl being sold at a very cheap price. She was pale in colour and her stomach and back were almost joined (describing how thin and skinny she was). Her hair had become stuck together due to the dirt that was on it. I felt sorry for her and purchased her. I said to her: ‘Go to the market and purchase some goods for Ramadan.’ She replied: ‘All thanks is due to Allah that the entire year is equal in my eyes.’ She used to fast during the day and engage in ‘ibadah at night. When ‘id approached, I intended purchasing something for her. She said: ‘Your temperament is such that you are very attached to the world.’ She then commenced offering salat. She recited a verse which made mention of hell. Upon reading this verse, she sneezed and fell down dead.”
The slave-girl of ’Abu ‘Amir Wa‘iz