Salaatul Hajaat

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Salaatul Hajaat

This salaat is performed when one has a need or work to be fulfilled or when one is in difficulty or distress. Rasullullah, Sallallaahu Alayhi Wa Sallam, said that whoever is in need of something should make a perfect wudhu (ie observing all the rules and aadabs of wudhu) and perform two (2) rakaats salaat. After the Salaat recite the praises of Allah Ta’ala and recite Durood Shareef. One may recite any amount and any formula of praises – tahmeed and tasbeeh – as well as any amount of Durood Shareef. Thereafter make a fervent dua by crying and begging Allah Ta’ala for forgiveness and for the fulfillment of the need or removal of the difficulty or distress, having firm conviction that only Allah Ta’ala can fulfill our needs and only He can remove our problems and difficulties. (Miskaat)