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The Best Wealth

Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: “The best wealth is a tongue which remains in the remembrance of Allah Ta’ala, a grateful heart and a believing wife who helps her husband in his Imaan.” (Tirmizi #3094) Nowadays we have understood only material possessions to be wealth, whereas in the words of Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) the best wealth is a tongue that remembers Allah Ta’ala and is moist in zikr.

Secondly, a thankful heart appreciating the favours of Allah Ta’ala. Our life should not evolve around acquiring the wealth of this world nor should our hearts be simply filled with the desire for more of the world. Instead, while making a moderate effort for halaal sustenance, one’s heart should be filled with contentment.

Thirdly, a wife is a man’s best wealth if she helps him in matters of deen and encourages him to serve Allah Ta’ala. His wife should not become an obstacle in his journey towards Allah Ta’ala by not allowing him to keep a beard, taking him out visiting at the time of salaah, forcing him to work harder at the expense of his deen so that she has more money to squander and enjoy. The need of the time is that the society be filled with believing men and women who assist each other in their journey towards Allah Ta’ala.