The Aakhirah is Better Than This World 

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The Aakhirah is Better Than This World

Allaah سُبْحَٰنَهُ وَتَعَالَىٰ says in the Qur’aan, “(When) Those who adopt Taqwa (who abstain from kufr and Shirk) are asked, “What has your Rabb revealed (to Muhammad ﷺ) ?” They reply (very differently from the Mushrikeen and say), “(Our Rabb has revealed) Extreme good.” There shall be (all types of) goodness (in this world already) for those who did good in this world and the home of the Aakhirah (Jannah) is certainly better (than everything of this world). How grand is the home of those who have Taqwa (Jannah) !”.

[Surah Nahl, verse 30]