Taqiyya: Why A Shia Can Never Be Believed…

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Taqiyya means to conceal, to lie, to deceive, to deny, to camouflage the truth and to double speak etc. Never admit a truth, never surrender a corrupt belief, never show your true self, hide like a lizard, act and re-act like a chameleon, change your colours to match your situation – this is Taqiyya. It is a fundamental belief of all Shias.

This is clearly proven from their following Kitaabs:

“From ten parts of Deen, nine parts of the Deen (the Shia Deen) depends upon Taqiyyah.” (Usool -e Kafi, part 2, Kitaabul Imaan wal Kufr, Babut Taqiyyah, line 5)

In another narration in Al-Kafi, we read: “The Imam mentioned that the most beloved thing on the surface of earth is Taqiyyah.” (Usool -e Kafi, part 2, Kitaabul Imaan wal Kufr, Babut Taqiyyah, line 12, Riwayah 4, p.217)

“The Imam has mentioned that Taqiyyah is the coolness of his eyes.” (Usool-e Kafi, part 2, Kitaabul Imaan wal Kufr, Babut Taqiyyah, line 1, Riwayah 14, p.217)

The fifth Infallible Imam of the Shia, Abu Jafar, says: “Taqiyyah is from my religion and the religion of my fathers; whoever doesn’t have Taqiyyah doesn ’t have Iman.” (Al-Kafi, Chapter Taqiyyah, Vol. 2, p.219)

From the above it is very clear that no matter what a Shia may say, he can never be trusted to speak the Truth. To him lying is Thawaab.