Deviant Scholars Radio “Islam” and MJC Promoting Supporters of LGBT
It is Haraam to support, promote, advertise, listen to or assist the Deviants in any manner whatsoever.
Do not be confused by their so-called services to Islam.
Qiraat, Islamically flavored competitions, Naats and Nazms are merely used as a smokescreen to hide their hidden agendas.
Ask yourself, how is it possible for the so-called Radio “Islam” to post the words R.I.P. for a priest who insults Allah Azza Wajal?
The word Dajjaal means DECEPTION.
There can be no doubt that Radio “Islam” has been hijacked by Dajjali forces just as Islam and Saudi Arabia has been hijacked by the Dajjaali evil empire.
Any income derived from being associated with Radio “Dajjaal” is Haraam.
Do not squander your hard-earned Halaal wealth in unknowing assisting in uprooting and demolishing the True Deen of Allah Azza wa Wajal and Nabi Sallallahu alayhi Wasallam.
Fear Allah’s Punishment in both this World and in the Hereafter. The wealth which Allah Most High has blessed one with is meant to be used for propagating his Deen and securing the Imaan of the Ummah.
It is not meant to be used for glorifying LQBT promoters and for endangering the Imaan of the Ummah.
(See Fatwa of Darul Uloom Azaadville)
MJC Making Dua Dua for deceased non-Muslims?
Q. Is it permissible to make dua e maghfirat for a person who died as a non Muslim ?
A. It is not permissible to make Dua for forgiveness or mercy for those who have passed away as non-Muslims. The Qur’an clearly mentions the prohibition in the following verses:
- It is not (permissible) for the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) and the believers to seek forgiveness for the Mushriks, even if they are kinsmen, after it became clear to them that they are the people of hell (Qur’an, 9: 113)
- And never offer a prayer on any one of them who dies, and do not stand by his grave. They disbelieved in Allah and His Messenger and died while they were sinners.
(Qur’an, 9: 113)
Imam Nawawi (Rahimahullah) mentions: “To pray for a disbeliever and to make Dua Maghfirah for him is Haraam (prohibited) by the words of the Qur’an and by consensus of the scholars”. (al-Majmoo’, Vol: 5, Pg: 144)
N.B. This should not be confused with offering condolences and sympathy for the bereaved whether Muslim or not. Such gestures are in line with the character a Muslim ought to display.
Jamiat KZN
Don’t you find it strange?
– A Non-Muslim, Mushrik ‘Bishop’ fights apartheid, promotes LGBTQ and a host of shameless deeds = Muslims singing songs of praise for him and ask “What’s Jannah without him”
– Muslim Mujahidoon fight to reclaim their OWN country from occupiers from various alliances of Kufr and establish the law of ALLAAH TA’ALA = being called terrorists and oppressors by these very “Muslims”
May ALLAAH TA’ALA guide the hypocrites among us. If Hidayah isn’t written, may they be removed and replaced with true Muslims!