Examine Your Salaah!

Reading Time: 3 minutes


Nabi (Sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) said:

“Salaah is the barrier between the Abd (servant) and Kufr.”

“A person who performs two Rak’aats Salaah whilst carrying out all its postures properly, will have all his sins forgiven.”

“O Allah! I ask You for a perfect and complete Salaah.”

1 Time Fardh
2 Covering one’s aurah (from just below the navel to the knees) Fardh
3 Tahaarat of the body, clothes and place Fardh
4 Facing the Qiblah Fardh
5 Niyyat Fardh
6 Proper Islamic dressing and covering the head (i.e. Topi) Waajib
7 Qiyaam Fardh
8 Feet facing Qiblah with four finger space in between Sunnat
9 Raising the hands, palms facing Qiblah, fingers neither spread apart nor tightly together, thumbs in

line with earlobes

10 Takbeer-e-Tahreemah Fardh
11 Folding the hands – below the navel, right hand on top of left hand, thumb and little finger of right

hand should encircle the left-hand wrist and remaining 3 fingers spread horizontally along the left

forearm keeping the fingers together

12 Gaze on the place of Sajdah Adab
13 Thana Sunnat
14 Ta’awwuth Sunnat
15 Tasmiyah Sunnat
16 Qiraat-at least one Aayat from the Qur’aan Majeed Fardh
17 Surah Faatihah Waajib
18 To say Aameen softly Sunnat
19 Some Aayaat from the Qur’aan Majeed-at least 3 short Aayaat or 1 long Aayat Waajib
20 Takbeer for going into Ruku’ Sunnat
21 Ruku’ Fardh
22 Clasping knees firmly with outstretched fingers , keeping the arms  straight, but away from sides, and

head and back level

23 Gaze on feet in Ruku’ Adab
24 Tasbeeh in Ruku’-Subhaana Rabbiyal ‘Atheem at least 3 times or any odd number Sunnat
25 Tasmee’ when coming up from Ruku’-Sami’allaahu liman Hamidah Sunnat
26 Qowmah-standing upright after Ruku’ Sunnat/


27 Tahmeed-Rabbana (Wa) Lakal Hamd or Allaahumma Rabbana (Wa) Lakal Hamd Sunnat
28 Takbeer-for going into Sajdah Sunnat
29 Sajdah Fardh
30 When going into Sajdah, first place the knees, then the hands, then the head between the hands -nose first

then the forehead, fingers together and facing the Qiblah, and thumbs in line with the earlobes

31 Gaze on the bridge of the nose when in Sajdah Adab
32 Feet erect with toes facing Qiblah, maintaining 4 finger space between the feet. The arms should be

away from the sides and NOT on the ground

33 Tasbeeh-Subhaana Rabbiyal A’la at least thrice or any odd number of times Sunnat
34 Takbeer for coming up from Sajdah Sunnat
35 Jalsah-the sitting between the 2 Sajdahs Sunnat
36 Sit on the left foot with the right foot erect and toes of right foot facing Qiblah. Hands on thighs,

fingertips touching the knees

37 Gaze on lap during Jalsah Adab
38 Takbeer for going into the 2nd Sajdah Sunnat
39 2nd Sajdah Fardh
40 Description of 2nd Sajdah same as 1st Sajdah Sunnat
41 Takbeer for coming up from 2nd Sajdah Sunnat
42 When rising from Sajdah to Qiyaam, first lift the forehead, then nose, then hands and lastly the knees Sunnat
2nd Rak’aat’s description is the  same as the 1st Rakaat except that there won’t be Thana and

Ta’awwuth in the 2nd Rakaat

43 Qa’dah Ulaa-2nd Rak’aat sitting in a 3 or 4 Rak’aat Salaah Waajib
44 Qa’dah Akheerah-the final sitting in Salaah (before Salaam) Fardh
45 To recite At-Tahiyyaat Waajib
46 To make Ishaarah with the Shahaadat finger upon “Laailaaha” and to drop the finger upon “Illallaah” Sunnat
47 Durood-e-Ibraahim Sunnat
48 Du’a after Durood Sunnat
49 Salaam Waajib
50 First make Salaam to the right, then left. When making Salaam, make the intention of making Salaam

to the Imaam, Muqtadis and the Malaaikah

51 Gaze on the shoulder when making Salaam Adab
52 Ta’deel-e-Arkaan-i.e. to discharge all the acts (like Ruku, Sajdah etc) of Salaah with tranquility Waajib
53 Khushoo’-To concentrate and adopt humility, thinking of what you are doing at each stage of the

Salaah and to be aware that Allah is watching


“How wonderful is the reward of those who make Amal.” (Qur’aan)

Note: It is Sunnat for the Imaam to recite the Takbeeraat audibly.

The 6 Takbeers of Eid Salaah and the Qunoot in Witr Salaah are Waajib.Hazrat Ka’b (Radhiyallahu anhu) was asked: “Who is an Aalim?” He replied: “The one who makes Amal on his Ilm.”

Technical Terms: Shart: A precondition for the validity of Salaah.

Fardh: Compulsory act of Salaah. Salaah is null and void if a Fardh is omitted.

Waajib: Necessary act of Salaah. If omitted intentionally, Salaah is nullified. If omitted unintentionally, Salaah has to be rectified with Sajdah-e-Sahw.

Sunnat: A habitual practice of Nabi (Sallallaahu alaihi wasallam). If omitted by mistake the Salaah will be complete and there won’t be a need for Sajdah-e-Sahw. If omitted habitually, there is a fear of one falling into sin.

Adab: Respect or rights of the Salaah.