Quran Says, He Will Certainly Be Thrown Into The Crushing Hell-Fire. Who Is He?

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Backbiting, fault-finding, deriding someone, and accumulation of wealth through unlawful means are sins that will drag us to Hell

Translation of Chapter 104 of the Holy Quran:

Surah Humazah (The Backbiter / 9 verses)

In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful.

  1. Woe to every slandering backbiter.
  2. Who amasses wealth and counts it over.
  3. Thinking that his wealth has eternalized him.
  4. By no means. He will be thrown into the Crusher.
  5. And what will make you realize what the Crusher is?
  6. Allah’s kindled Fire.
  7. That laps to the hearts.
  8. It closes in on them.
  9. In extended columns.

Wayl means destruction, great loss and chastisement. In fact, there is a valley in Hell that is named Wayl. It means that those who indulge in three sins (backbiting, derision, wrongful accumulation of wealth) will be thrown into the valley of Hell named Wayl. It has been mentioned in Surah Ma’oon that those who are neglectful of their Salaat (demonstrate laziness in performing Salaat) will also be thrown in the same valley. May Allah save us all from that. Humazah and Lumazah are to be understood as exaggeration. Hamzun means pointing towards someone (with a negative intention) and Lamz means fault-finding or taunting someone. To mock at someone, finding fault in someone, speaking ill of someone behind his or her back (backbiting), similarly taunting someone or abusing the person, all of these fall under the dictates of this verse and are major sins all of us must abstain from. Those who indulge in these sins (or one of these sins) will be severely punished in the Hell, in case they do not sincerely repent for these before their death. What needs to be understood is that the worst of all the bondsmen are those who indulge themselves in backbiting and create rift between friends and relatives, publicly disgrace good-hearted and noble people, and try to find faults in innocent people. Almighty Allah says in Surah Al-Hujraat, “O you who believe, no men should ever scoff at other men. May be, the latter are better than the former. Nor should women (ever scoff) at other women. May be, the latter women are better than the former ones. And do not find fault with one another, nor call one another with bad nicknames. Bad is the name of sinfulness after embracing Faith. If anyone does not repent, then such people are the wrongdoers”

The lesson in this Surah of the Holy Quran is that in addition to other sins we must abstain from three sins; Hamz, Lamz and accumulation of wealth through unlawful means. Hamz and Lamz have different meanings; backbiting, fault finding, taunting, using abusive language, insulting someone etc. Since these sins, apparently, come under our obligations towards fellow human beings, we must completely abstain from these, repent for the sins that we have committed so far, make sincere resolution of not committing those sins ever in life again and seek forgiveness from Almighty Allah. In settling or sorting out things with the concerned person (related to whom we have done backbiting, taunting etc.) at the earliest lies hidden our well-being, honour and success of both the worlds.