Advices Hadhrat Hamdoon Qasaar (Rahmatullah Alayh)

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Hadhrat Hamdoon Qasaar (rahmatullah alayh) was the mureed of Hadhrat Abu Turaab Bakshi (rahmatullah alayh) and the Shaikh of Hadhrat Sufyaan Thauri and Hadhrat Abdullah Bin Mubaarak (rahmatullah alayhim).

 Once he was sitting by a dying friend. The moment he died, Hadhrat Hamdoon Qasaar extinguished the lamp. Explaining his action, he said:

“As long as he was alive, the lamp was his property. It now belongs to his heirs. It is not permissible to use it without their consent.”

He was asked the reason for the effectiveness of the discourses of the Auliyaa and Ulama of earlier times. He said: “They spoke for the progress of Islam and for their safety from the nafs.”

Hadhrat Hamdoon Qasaar said: “Adopt the company of an Aalim and stay away from a jaahil.” “Follow the Mutaqaddimeen (i.e. the great Auliyaa and Ulama of the early era of Islam).”

“Obedience to the nafs blinds a man (i.e. renders him spiritually blind).” “Think of yourself as evil and others as intoxicated and fear the possibility of you too becoming intoxicated (i.e. going astray).”

“Generosity produces virtue and miserliness produces vice.” “Eating much is the root of all sickness and a calamity for the Deen.”

Scattered Pearls