The Difference between a Hindu and a Muslim & The Results of this Deeni effort
The Difference between a Hindu and a Muslim
Malfoozaat of Faqeeh-ul-Ummat
Once, Hadhrat Moulana Ilyaas Sahib رحمة الله عليه visited a village and enquired as to who lived here. He was told that Muslims lived in that area. Thereafter, he asked, “And who is living in the next village?”
He was informed that Hindus were living in the adjacent village.
Hadhrat Moulana Ilyaas Sahib رحمة الله عليه then asked them, “What is the difference between Hindus and Muslims?” They replied that thepundit performs the marriage of the Hindus whilst the qadhi
performed the nikaahs of the Muslims. That was the only defining difference according to them. Otherwise, there was absolutely no sign of Imaan or Islam in them. Their names also were Jamnaadaas and Gangadaas. They kept idols in their homes and whilst some of these villages also had Masaajid, the goats and sheep lived there and piles of their droppings littered the musjid. These were the types of villages that Hadhrat Moulana Ilyaas Sahib رحمة الله عليه worked in.
The Jamaat had established Makaatib at different places dividing each area into five kosas (a distance of 10 to 15 km).
The Results of this Deeni effort
They worked in this area for 25 years. Hadhrat Moulana Ilyaas Sahib رحمة الله عليه appointed a muballigh (Muslim missionary) for every area consisting of 10 km. After 25 years had elapsed, he conducted a
survey of each area. He asked each muballigh to report what work had been accomplished in his area.
The first muballigh explained, “In the area where I am working, there are approximately three or four people who are not punctual on performing Salaah with jamaat. Otherwise, everyone else is punctual on performing Salaah with jamaat. Those who did not know how to perform Salaah and thought that the postures of Salaah were a resultmof people being affected by jinnaat, etc. have all learnt how tomperform Salaah. People are also learning how to read the Qur’aan and how to perform Salaah in the maktab.”
When Hadhrat رحمة الله عليه went to enquire about the conditions in the next area, he was told that Alhamdulillah, in that area, there were twomor three people who were not punctual on performing their Tahajjud
Salaah. Otherwise, everyone else was punctual on their Tahajjud Salaah.
When he went to the third area and enquired of the situation there, he was told that in that area you will not find any two people fighting or arguing. Everyone is living here in peace and harmony. This is no
small achievement. The British had sent stern governors to rule over these people and eliminate their evil habits, but they never abandoned their habits of stealing, killing, robbing and fighting. Only after the effort of Tableegh was established, did they abandon their evil ways.