On Judging and Migrating

Reading Time: 2 minutes


– A person is judged by his outer conduct and behaviour. If a person outwardly seems like a Muslim, we will term him as a believer. However if a person outwardly commits clear acts of disbelief like worshiping an idol or wearing a cross, we will term him as a disbeliever.  We will not say ‘we do do not know what is in his heart’. We are not tasked to find out what is inside a person’s heart; that is left to Allah Ta’aala. We must go on the obvious.
– There are two classes of believers
  1. Those who strives in the path of Allah Ta’aala
  2.  Those who are obedient servants but do not strive like the first class.
Allah Ta’aala has promised both these classes great reward, so one should not despise the other. However one should keep in mind that striving in the path of Allah as well as other duties are compulsory according to need. This is known as Fard al Kifaayah. For example, teaching and imparting knowledge of deen, calling people towards Islam, fighting for the cause of Islam, etc. If these are groups that is seeing to these duties, then these obligations no longer fall upon the rest of the Muslims. If the case is not so, then it is the duty of the Muslim community to ensure that these duties are being accomplished.
– If a person cannot practice deen where they are currently living, it is obligatory for them to leave their homes and migrate. The land of Allah Ta’aala is very vast. If it was obligatory on one to migrate and one did not do so when he had the means to, his abode in the Hereafter is a very evil abode.
– The exception to the above are those people who are very weak and downtrodden; they do not have the means to travel nor do they know which path to take. For these people there is hope that Allah Ta’aala will forgive them; Allah Ta’aala removes all sins and He forgives again and again.
– Whoever leaves his home for the sake of Allah Ta’aala, he will find a lot of refuge, spacious and wide. Whoever leaves his home for the sake of Allah Ta’aala and death comes to him as he is migrating, his reward is promised to him.
Adapted from today’s after Fajr Tafseer of Mufti Ebrahim Salejee saheb