To believe that everything other than ALLAH was non-existent. Thereafter, ALLAH Ta’ala created these things and subsequently they came into existence.
To believe in the existence of angels.
To believe that all the heavenly books that were sent to the different prophets are true. However, apart from the Quran, all other books are not valid anymore.
To believe that all the prophets are true. However, we are commanded to follow Muhammad ( sallallahu alayhi wasallam ) alone.
To believe that ALLAH Ta’ala has knowledge of everything from before-hand and that only that which He sanctions or wishes will occur.
To believe that Qiyaamah will definitely occur.
To believe in the existence of jannah.
To believe in the existence of jahannam.
To have love for ALLAH Ta’ala.
To have love for Rasulullah ( sallallahu alayhi wasallam )
To love or hate someone solely because of ALLAH.
To execute all actions with the intention of deen alone.
To regret and express remorse when a sin is committed.