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Question: Many people coming to  the Masjid have the bad habit of  leaving their shoes scattered at  the entrance although shoe racks/ Shoe-Counters are provided. This inconveniences other musallis who have to sometimes tramp on the shoes when entering. Please comment.


Whilst this bad and Makrooh  habit may appear insignificant, it  in reality displays the anarchy  within the hearts of Muslims. They have no care for others. It is  haraam to unnecessarily cause  inconvenience to others. Kicking  off their shoes and scattering it  at the entrance, reveal that they  were not taught Islamic morals at  home by their parents. Thus, they are just too lazy and inconsiderate of others.

It is NOT permissible to kick off  one’s shoes at the entrance of the  Musjid, especially when shoe  racks/counters are available. If  the careless person who kicks off his shoes at the entrance is wearing expensive shoes, he will  not act so carelessly and callously. He will place his shoes  in the racks (or hand it over to the counters). The love of money constrains him to show consideration to his shoes. The  shoes which are kicked off are  cheap ones, cheap sandals, tongs  and the like which no one will steal.

They also show scant or no  appreciation for the ni’mat of  shoes provided by Allah Ta’ala.

No matter how cheap the item  may be, it is a ni’mat provided by  Allah Ta’ala and has to be  appreciated and treated with  respect. These people have the  same evil habit of scattering their  clothes at home thereby pleasing  shaitaan. Shaitaan loves dirty and lazy people. They are his fertile ground for his wasaawis  and snares. A Muslim is required  to be alert, tidy and clean at all times. Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said:

“Verily, Allah is clean, and He  loves cleanliness. Therefore, keep  clean (even) that section outside your home (despite it not being  your property).”

Q. Is it permissible to make dua for the inmates of the entire qabrustaan while standing at the entrance?

A. It is permissible. It is also permissible while passing by on the outside to make dua for all the amwaat (deceased) of the qabrustaan.

Q.    What is the ruling when haidh begins during the course of the fast?

A.    The fast becomes invalid. The woman may eat thereafter, but not in public. She has to keep qadha of this fast.

Q. Is it permissible for females during the state of haidh to be  at the side of a person who is in Sakraat (on the death bed)?

A. Females in haidh, even the man’s wife, should not be at his side or in the room on the occasion of his Maut.  The Angels of Mercy will  flee.

Q.  What is the status of assisting beggars who have taken up begging as a profession?

A.   If it is ascertained that the ‘beggar’ is not in need and that begging has become his profession, then he should not be given anything. However, if one has no certitude, then give him/her some food or a small sum, e.g. one rand.

Q. Is it permissible for a woman  to abstain from fasting  if she is sure that her milk will dry up? The baby is breastfed only.  If yes, should she pay the Fidyah?
A. If fasting will cause drying up of the milk, then she is permitted to abstain from fasting, but the missed days will have to be made qadhaa after Ramadhaan at the first available opportunity. Monetary compensation  (Fidyah) in this case is not valid.

Answer (Majlisul Ulama)