The Typical Scenario inside Today’s Muslim Home

Reading Time: 2 minutes



Glory be to Allāh and salutations on Nabi Muhammad Sallallahu ‘Alayhi wa Sallam

The Typical Scenario inside Today’s Muslim Home

By: Haqqseeker

 Today’s Muslim Home has become a Home where:

  • The first person who is supposed to wake up for Fajr Salah wakes up after the sun rises.
  • Men pray in their rooms rather than going to the Masaajid.
  • Everyone goes late for Jumu’ah prayers.
  • School is given preference over Madressah.
  • Kids are not awakened for the Fajr Salah but are regularly awakened early for school.
  • Western education is the priority whereas very few can recite even Surah Faatihah with proper Tajweed.
  • Parents are not accorded the  respect and honour they deserve.
  • Children are not brought up with proper Islamic Tarbiyat.
  • The only Islamic book present here is the Qur’aan.
  • The Holy Qur’aan is kept in the cupboard until Ramadhaan.
  • Most of the residents have a very limited knowledge about the Ahadeeth and the Sunnahs of our Nabi Muhammad Sallallahu ‘Alayhi wa Sallam.
  • They also have very little knowledge about the sacrifices our Nabi Muhammad Sallallahu ‘Alayhi wa Sallam and his Sahabah gave for our Deen.
  • The mother & her daughters wear fancily tied scarves instead of proper Hijab.
  • Girls put on tight trousers while boys wear three-quarter trousers.
  • Men shave their beards.
  • Most males do not put on the ‘Topi” (Islamic cap) even while offering Salah. They consider it an obsolete practice.
  • Everyone eats separately because eating together is regarded as old–fashioned.
  • Many do not follow the right sunnah while eating food.
  • Individuals listen to music and watch TV, sometimes even during Ramadhaan.
  • The father and the son watch sports together while the mother and the daughter watch TV serials together.
  • Since the advent of the Smartphone, the family members have become greatly attached to Social Media/games and each one seems to be living in his/her own ‘Virtual World’.
  • Family members enter/leave the washrooms/bathrooms without reciting the required du’as.
  • Arabic or mother tongue is not spoken but English is spoken very fluently.

…and Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala Knows Best