Why Islam? Out Of All The Other Religions? Part 2
This life is temporary, everything with a soul has to die. What we do in this world will determine our abode after death. We need to make a serious effort to step back and pondour, reflect, contemplate and seek out the purpose of our existence. No one can who is just, balanced and intelligent can deny that we have been created by a supreme being, a creator who is high above and separate from His creation, nothing is like Him and He is All-Seeing, All-Hearing and All-Knowing. The very creation of us and the creations around us, is a sign from the Lord of the Worlds.
Worship Allah the one true God, with fear, love and hope. Thank Him for the eyes, ears, intellect, tongue, hands, legs, bodily organs that He has blessed us with. Thank Him for the wealth, provision, job you have. Thank Him for having a family, parents, wife, children. Do not use His blessings to disobey Him.
Our real and permanent home is in Jannah, everlasting home. Palaces, houses made of gold and silver, with gardens under which rivers flow.
There will be river of honey, river of wine and river of milk. Alcohol will be permitted, but will not make one get drunk. Wearing of silk and gold will be permitted for the men (as in this world, it is not allowed for men). People of Jannah will live with their family happily forever, in addition, specifically women of Jannah (Hour al-een) will be provided for men along with being with their wives from this world, all this as a reward for the men and women, for the hard work they did in this life of obeying Allah and keeping away from sins, that which is displeasing to Him. Whatever the people of Jannah want, Allah will give it to them. They will also see Allah with their own eyes. There will be no defects in them, no urinating, no deficating, no sneazing, coughing, vomiting, menstruation, nothing at all. Their sweat will be smells of perfume. This is just a small glance at Jannah. May Allah give us all the ability to obey Him and keep away from the haram, forgive and have mercy on us and enter us all into His Jannah.
As for the opposite people, the people of Jahannam, Hellfire (may Allah save us from it)…then it is an everlasting home for the disbelieving people, who did not accept the message of worshipping the one true God. Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. Those who committed Shirk with Allah, the greatest sin, the unforgivable sin. Worshipping and calling upon the creation, humans, Prophets, the dead, animals, statues, idols, stones, mountains, rivers, forests, the stars, the moon, the sun and so on. Those who belied the messengers, disbelieved in them. Who took life as a play and amusement, followed the Shaytan, followed their whims, desires and temptations. Running after the materialistic life of this world. Their only concern was to live their life as they please, unconditional unrestricted freedom to do whatever, eat, drink, work, play, fulfil their whims and desire, live and judge by man-made laws, live in big houses, drive nice cars, be with any woman etc. No concern, or thought or contemplation about the reason why they were created and purpose of life.
An abode, a home of fire forever, whose fuel is people and stones. A fire like a beast held down with chains by the angels. A fire seventy times more hotter than the fire of this world. That which will burn a persons skin and Allah will replace it so they feel the torment again and again forever. May Allah save us all from it.
As for the evil Muslims, sinful Muslims, heedless Muslims if Allah doesn’t envelope them with His Mercy without punishment, it will be a temporary place for the Muslims who fell in to evil, they believed in Laa ilaaha illal laa Muhammadur Rasoolullah but due to weakness of eeman and lack of knowledge, environment, society they were brought up in, they gave in to whispering of Shaytan, temptations, whims and desires. They did not fulfil the obligations and did not abstain from the prohibitions. They disobeyed Allah and His Messenger sallallahualaihi wa sallam. They will be there temporarily and will be taken out whenever Allah wishes. May Allah protect us and save us from it.
So, o people, live your life, study, work, train for a job for a better living standard in this world, work for the dunya, but moderately, but don’t forgot your Creator, thank Allah for the blessings He has bestowed on you, by obeying Him and His Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, be conscious of Him, fear Him in private and in public. As He is all seeing, All Hearing and All Knowing from above the seven Heavens. He also has His Malaeka angels writing down every good or bad deeds we do.
Strive hard and avoid the major sins at all cost and when you fall into minor sins, as we all do, repent immediately, fulfilling its conditions (sincerity, regret, remorse, conviction not to do it again, returning the rights of others) and rectify yourself. Even if you fall into that same sin over and over again. But, do not take minor sins lightly, it may pile up and become major. Allah is the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, but at the same time He is shadhidhul eqab, severe in punishing.
Be sincere, steadfast and patient in obeying Allah, doing all the obligatory deeds, starting from preserving five times daily Salah within its time and being patient in abstaining from the prohibitions, constantly making dua for guidance and well being.
May Allah give us the ability to sincerely strive to learn and act upon this deen. Be upon the Qur’an and the Sunnah as the way the Sahabah and the Salaf as-Salih, the righteous predecessors understood it and all the Scholars who are upon this way up to our time.