Beware Of the Tricks of Iblis! [The accursed] – Part 2
Wahb lbn Munabbih (rahimahullah) reported that a monk went to seclusion in his monastery during the time of al-Masih [Prophet ‘Eesa (‘alayhis-salaam)]. Iblis attempted to seduce him in every way, but was unable. Finally, Iblis came to him in the form of al Masih and called on him: O monk! Come to me I wish to talk to you. The monk replied: go away. I am not going to gain back what I have lost from my life (I have no time for you). Iblis responded: ‘Come to me, I am al-Masih.’ The monk said: ‘If you were truly al-Masih then I have nothing to do with you.‘ al-Masih ordered us to worship, and promised us that there will be a Judgment Day. So go away I have no need for you. So the cursed-one left. [Abu Nu’aym in al-Hilyah, 4/44].
‘Abdullah Ibn ‘Umar (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) said: While on the Ark, [Prophet] Nuh (‘alayhissalam) noticed an old man whom he did not recognise. Nuh (alayhissalaam) inquired: ‘What brought you here?’ He replied: ‘I came to strike the hearts of your followers, so their hearts become with me, while their bodies with you.’ Nuh alayhissalaam responded: ‘Leave O enemy of Allah.’ Iblis said: ‘There are five things that cause people to become destroyed (deviated).’ I will inform you of three and not of the other two. It was revealed to Nuh (alayhissalaam) that he needed not know the three, but that he should enquire about the two.’ Iblis said: ‘The two that are certain to work are: envy: I was cursed because of my envy, and became a stoned devil. And the second is eagerness (to have more): The entire paradise was made permissible to Adam (‘alay his-salaam). I got what I wanted from him because of his eagerness.’ [Ibn Abi al-Dunya in Maka’ d al-Shaytan, 65/ 44].
Sa’id lbn Al-Musayyab said: ‘Iblis never gave up to seduce every Prophet that Allah has sent; by using women.‘ [Ibn AbI al-Dunya in Maka’ d al-Shaytan, 62/ 42].
Al-Fudhayl Ibn ‘Iyad said: ‘Some of our elders said that once while [Prophet] Musa (‘alayhis-sakim) was supplicating to his Lord, Iblis came to him.’ An angel told Iblis: ‘Woe to you! What are you hoping to get out of him while he is in this condition (prayer)?’ He replied: ‘I am hoping to get from him
what I got from his father Adam when he was in paradise.’
[Ibn AbI al-Dunya in Maka’ d al-Shytan, 72/ 48].
‘Abdul-Rahman Ibn Ziyad Ibn An’um said: ‘While [Prophet] Musa (‘alayhissalaam) was in a gathering Iblis came wearing a hooded cape that changed in colors. When the devil came nearer he took off the cap and set it down and came to Musa saying: ‘Peace be upon you. Musa replied: ‘Who are you?’ He said: ‘I am Iblis.’ Musa responded: ‘No greetings from Allah to you, what brought you here?’ The devil said: ‘I came to greet you because of your high godly status.’ Musa said: ‘What have I seen you wearing?’ Iblis replied: ‘I use it (the cap) to capture the hearts of the sons of Adam.’ Musa asked: ‘What is it that if a human does will enable you to take him over?’ He replied: ‘If he becomes fond of himself, and considered his (good) deeds plentiful.’ I warn you from three things: First, never be alone with a woman that is not lawful to you. Be cause whenever someone does so, I personally accompany him and use her to seduce him. Second, never promise Allah something except that you fulfill your promise. Whenever someone promises Allah something I personally accompany him to prevent him from fulfilling his promise. And never take an amount of money to give charity except that you make sure you give it to that charity. Whenever someone takes an amount of money to give to charity, I personally accompany him to persuade him not to give it. Then Iblis walked away saying: ‘Woe to me, thrice, I have taught [Prophet] Musa from what to warn the sons of Adam.’ [Ibn AbI al-Dunya in Maka’d al-Shaytan, 11/47]
Hasan Ibn Salih said: ‘I heard that the devil said addressing The Woman: ‘You are half of my army, you are my arrow with which I never miss, you are the one I entrust with my secrets, and you are my messengers.’ [Ibn Abi al-Dunya in Maka’ d al-Shayatin, 59 /37].
Wahb Ibn Munabbih said: ‘A monk asked the devil when he had appeared to him: Which of human manners are most helpful for you to over take humans.’ He replied: ‘Hot temperedness.’ When a servant is hot tempered we play with (manipulate) him just as kids play with a ball.‘ [lbn AbI al-Dunya in Maka’d al-Shayatin, 59/38].
Thabit [al-Bunani] said: ‘When the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) became a Prophet, Iblis began sending his devils to tempt the Prophet’s Companions (radhiyallahu ‘anhum). The devils would return after achieving nothing. So Iblis inquired: What is with you?! Why are you unable to get anything out of them? They replied: ‘We have never seen people like these before (such were our Sahaabah (alayhim ar ridhwan), Iblis responded: ‘Wait until worldly bounties open up for them, then you would be able to get what you want from them.’ [lbn AbI al-Dunya in Maka’ d al-Shayatin, 60/39]
Abu Musa Al-Ash’ari (radhiyallahu anhu) said: ‘Every morning, Iblis dispatches his soldiers saying: ‘Whoever of you misguides a Muslim then I will make him wear the crown.’ One devil responds: ‘I continued to persuade so and so until he divorced his wife.‘ Iblis replies: ‘(this is not significant) He will eventually remarry.’ Another devil says: ‘I continued to persuade so and so until he disobeyed his parents.’ Iblis replies: ‘He will eventually become dutiful to his parents.’ A third devil says: ‘I continued to persuade so and so until he fornicated.’ Iblis says: ‘ You are the one.’ Another devil says: ‘I continued to persuade so and so until he committed murder.‘ Iblis says: ‘You are the one, you are the one.’ (Ibn Abi al-Dunya in Maka’ d al-Shaytin, 59 /38).