Beware Of the Tricks of Iblis! [The Accursed] – Part 3
Al-Hasan [al-Basri] said: ‘There used to be a tree that was being worshipped instead of Allah.’ A man went to the tree with the intention of cutting it down. The devil came to him in human form and asked: ‘What are you aiming to do?‘ The man replied: ‘I wish to cut down this tree that is being worshipped in place of Allah.’ The devil said: ‘You are not worshipping it.’ So what harms if others are worshiping it? The man responded: I will cut it down. The devil said: ‘Let me suggest something better for you.’ Do not cut it down and you shall find two dinars every morning under your pillow. The man replied: ‘Who would guarantee me this?’ The devil said: ‘I would.’ On the following day the man saw two dinars under his pillow. But on the following day, he did not see the money again as expected, so he again went to cut down the tree. The devil came to him in his (true) shape and asked him: ‘What do you wish to do?‘ He replied: ‘I want to cut down that tree because it is being worshiped in place of Allah.’ The devil responded: ‘You lie. You have no power to do so.’ The man continued walking but the devil threw him down and began choking him and said: ‘do you know who I am? I am the devil.’ Initially you were angry for Allah’s sake, so I had no power over you. I deceived you with the two dinar promise. Later you became angry for the sake of the two dinars, so I was able to over power you. ( Ibn Abi al-Dunya in Maka’ d al-Shaytin, 79 /60.)
Mujahid said: ‘Iblis has five sons’ He appointed each of them on one of his affairs. Their names are: Thabr, Al A’war, Musawwat, Dasim and Zulunbur. As for Thabr, he is responsible for calamities. He orders people to rip their clothes, slap their cheeks and make the call of ignorance when stricken by calamity. Al-A’war is responsible for fornication. He beautifies it and orders others to commit it. As for Musawwat, he is responsible for lies. He hears the news and transfers it to someone else, who in turn, goes to a gathering of people and tells them: I met a person whose face I know but I do not know his name. He told me such and such. Dasim shows a wife’s faults to her husband and makes him angry with them. And Zulunbur is responsible for the market place. He sticks his flag therein. (Ibn Abi al-Dunya in Maka’ d al-Shayatin, 54 /35)
Makhlad Ibn al-Husayn said: ‘Whenever Allah ordains an order to His servants, Iblis intersects trying to achieve one of two things, he does not care which of the two he achieves. The first is to fulfill this order excessively, and the second is to fulfill this order deficiently. (Abu Nu’aym in al-Hilyah, 8/266) ‘
‘Abdullah Ibn ‘Amr (radhiyallahu ‘anhuma) said: ‘Iblis is chained in the lower levels of earth. Whenever he moves then his motion results in every form of conflict between two or more persons.’ (Abu Nu’aym in al-Hilyah, 1/288).
The devil has many methods of deception that I appropriately mentioned throughout this article. It is difficult to be safe from the devil’s deceptions because they are many, and they cling to the heart. Calling humans to do something that is consistent with their nature is just like pushing a ship that is already going down hill. Just imagine how fast it would go then. Even Harut and Mariit were unable to remain well composed after desire was instilled in them. In fact, when angels see that a believer has died in the state of iman they become amazed.
Abd Al ‘Aziz Ibn Rufi’ said: ‘When the soul of a believer is risen to the heavens, angels wonder: Glory be to the One who saved this servant from the devil. Woe to him, how he was saved.’ (Abu Nu’aym in al-Hilyah, 1/288).
A’ishah (radhiyallahu ‘anha) said: ‘One time Allah’s Messenger (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) left my (apartment) during the night and I felt jealous. Then he (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) came and saw (in what agitated state of mind) I was. He (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) said: “A’ishah, what has happened to you? Do you feel jealous?” I replied: ‘How can a woman like me not feel jealous in regard to a husband like you?’ Allah’s Messenger (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) said: “Has your devil overtaken you?” I replied: ‘O Allah’s Messenger, is there along with me a devil?’ He said: ‘Yes!’ I said: ‘Is a devil attached to everyone?’ He said: ‘Yes. A’ishah (radhoyallahu anhu) again said: ‘O Allah’s Messenger, is one with you also?’ He said: “Yes, but my Lord (the Mighty and the Majestic) has helped me and made him Muslim.”‘ [Only Muslim reported this Hadith (Muslim 4/2168/2815)].
May Allah Ta’ala save us from the deceptions and tricks of Iblis and Make us alert at every step of this enemy, Aameen!.