Naseehat of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilaani (rahmatullah alayh)

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Naseehat of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilaani (rahmatullah alayh)

“Loneliness in isolation you will have to experience (one day in the grave). When Maut overtakes you, every close friend will sever ties with you, and every relative will be separated from you. Therefore, sever ties from them now before the time comes when they will desert you. Then the Qabr (Grave) will be the pathway to Allah Azza Wa Jal. It is the threshold to Allah Ta’ala. Therefore die before your Maut (as Rasulullah – sallallahu alayhi wasallam – said). Be dead to yourself and to others, for then you will be alive by Him……..

As for the Ahkaam (of the Shariah), they must be adhered to and preserved. Subhaanallaah! He has cloaked you with the protection of the Ahkaam and has removed the veils from your vision (Baatini vision) with Ilm of the Deen.

You may be dressed in the garb of the Saaliheen (the Pious Auliya), while in our eyes you are a kaafir. Remember Maut often and what lies beyond. Reflect on the pleasures and torments of the Aakhirah. Contemplate on Allah Ta’ala and detach yourself from this world by purifying your heart and struggling against your nafs, and with war against the shayaateen (devils). Free yourself (from the dunya) and devote yourself to Allah Ta’ala.”

COMMENT: Severing ties” in the context

of Hadhrat Sayyid Abdul Qaadir Jilaani’s naseehat is not to be construed to mean abandonment. It is not permissible to neglect rights and obligations imposed by the Shariah. The meaning of severing ties is: (1) Not to join relatives and friends in their misdeeds and acts which are in conflict with the Shariah. (2) Not to attach your heart to anyone. Only Allah Azza Wa Jal has a claim on the heart of man. Thus, rights and obligations will be faithfully discharged for the Sake of Allah Ta’ala since all impositions of the Shariah are the Ahkaam of Allah Azza Wa Jal. (3) To expel love of the world from the heart.

“Kaafir in the garb of Saaliheen” refers to the Ahl-e-Bid’ah who worship graves and modernist, liberal sheikhs and molvis who legalize the prohibitions of Allah Azza Wa Jal.